Chapter 1

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Kennedy Rodgers was a shy 16 year girl from Las Vegas Nevada and was moving to California.

She lived there when she was little and that was where her father left Her her Mom and her brother Max. So that state brought back unwanted memories.

Luckily they weren't moving it to the same house they moved into an apartment in a complex in LA. Their old house was located up north, but it still gave a chill down her spine whenever she heard California.( I got chills they're multiplying😂~ Greace)

As they hopped into the moving truck kennedy tried to forgot about their journey ahead, so she played The Circle Game, and the License plate game with Max.

Max was Kennedy's best friend and was 14 years old. They could talk about anything and would always have each others backs.

So 6 hours felt like 3 hours as they showed up in Cali. At first Kennedy tried not to think about being in Cali and attempted to convince herself that she was still in Nevada but She was so used to her hometown she just couldn't do it.

She didn't remember Cali at all. The only thing She remembered she wanted to forget but she just couldn't.

She went up to her apartment on the 3rd floor and picked out her room. This room had a bathroom and everything and Max's didn't but what he did have was a nice view.

All Kennedy got was a brick wall. She didn't complain, at least she got a bigger room, closet and her own bathroom.

Kennedy hated the fact of being in Cali all she could think about was her dad packing and leaving and felt like she'd never like this place.

It was at the beginning of the school year and she didn't know any one so she just sat on the couch watching TV with Max.

All of the sudden "Knock Knock Knock!'' Kennedy springs from her spot on the couch. "Who is it?" She asks. It's Lexie and Her Mother We live next door we wanted to welcome you."

Kennedy hesitated but eventually opened the door it seemed like Lexie was Kennedy's age so She said "Hello'' and introduced herself and Max to the not so complete stranger.

There was a long awkward moment of silence and then Kennedy's mom walks out into the living room and greets the not so complete strangers.

They talked for a while, but it started to get late so the neighbors( Whenever I hear Neighbors I think of the movie with Zac Efron and Dave Franco any one else?😂😍😏) started home.

It was finally Max's and Kennedy's favorite part of the day. At 8:00 or so every night they would always watch an episode of Family Feud with Steve Harvey.

They woke up early that day and wanted to hit the hay earlier than usual so they went to bed after their dinner and show at 9:43. Or at least Kennedy tried.

She tossed and turned all night she kept imaging the time when her father left. Kennedy and Max were outside on the swing set, even before this their parents were talking about getting a divorce. That day they got into a huge fight and he finally snapped.

He stormed out of the house not saying he loved them or anything. He just had a duffle bag full of food and cloths.

She woke up to see its 6:27. I she was three minutes away from my alarm so She procrastinated in her bed. When it went off She hopped in the shower. After She picked out her outfit.

Her mom comes in and says, "First day of school! You ready?""As ready as I'll every be" She remarked To her Mom. She's not usually this moody in the morning, but She's not really a morning person, She didn't get any sleep and on top of that she hated the fact she was in Cali.

Once kennedy and Max ate breakfast they headed out the door and caught up with Lexie and walked to school.

As she approached the door and all her fears she had dropped in her stomach. She didn't feel very well until she saw a absolutely gorges boy walk by and accidentally bumped in to her.


Hey this is my first time doing a story that has longer chapters and that I'm publishing one chapter at a time hope you like it!


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