Chapter 8

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When I woke up the dizzyness (I don't know how to spell it) was back. I shook it off and facetimed Matt. I missed him and his laugh smile abs and all the movie dates with a lot if Taco Bell and snuggling. I miss that but it's been 2 months so 3 months left I'm so excited for the 3 months to pass.

And school would start soon so it should make time fly. I'm that person who doesn't mind school I mean I enjoyed it! I wasn't exactly a nerd but not exactly a popular person. My popularity went up since I started going out with Matt. I really don't like to think about being a popular girl like in the movies being all mean and stuff.

Those weeks went by fast and as soon as I knew it, it was the first day of school. I walked up and went to all my classes and soon there was only 1/2 month left! OMG I'm so excited! He's almost going to be home! I feel so fourtunate.

But when you think life can't get any better your right. The last few weeks were hard. My headaches were back and my dizzyness would occur more often then only morning.but I kept strong for Matt, I stayed home the whole week from school and got my assignments from Max. The day I've been waiting for finally came! My phone alerted saying Matt😘 Day!!

I woke up and did my long brown hair into a bun. I wore my light wash skinny jeans and my white crop top and my leather jacket because it was a little chilly. I ran out of my room and sprinted to my car.

I drove to the airport and waited till mat landed. He walked out of the plane and I ran up to him and jumped in to his arms and gave him a huge hug. And we kissed it was magical but during that celebration he called me it to do some tests again.

I thought it didn't mean anything so I took Matt with me but this was more serious than I thought. He asked me if I had headaches and dizzyness and I said ya on and off but the headaches are almost every night. He sighed and called my mom. I got really scared at that point.

When she came the talked while Matt and I waited in the waiting room.they called me in and told Matt to stay. Then I got really nerves. They started saying a bunch words I didn't understand but the just of it was I had a Brian tumor.

I didn't want to tell Matt at first but when I walked out of the room I blurted out. He stopped in his tracks. It was minor the just had to do one simple surgery. so I re assured him that everything was going to be fine but I lied but I didn't know that at that time.


Sorry this was a short one but I wanted to get it out of the way because I wanted to start with a shock and ya so hope you guys enjoyed this and thanks for all the support! 49 views say what! Bye


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