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Percy held his ground as flames flew all around. There in front of him stood a guy, no more than seventeen, almost an year younger to him, with his eyes glinting in strange blue light. He was flanked by two larger, much larger beings grinning slowly at him. The Titans had come.

Leo was lying motionless on the ground, thrown to one side as Calypso was desperately trying to wake him up, while glaring at the Titans. Percy gripped his sword, Riptide tighter as he faced his foe...

Annabeth, Piper and the others must be somewhere close. But to get to them, he had to go through the Titans and the guy in front of him.

"Percy Jackson!" muttered the Titan on the right of the guy. "You know this is hopeless. Give up!" 

Percy snarled, "As if I would do that!" He knew it was hopeless. But he could never bow to the will of his enemy. Whoever that might be, or how much stronger they might be. He should not let them take control over the world...and his brother.

Would he be able to do that? The fires around him blazed even more. Festus, almost on the brink of destruction himself, was over Leo ad Calypso and was leaking oily tears, which was only fueling the fire around them.

Percy steeled his nerves. He raised Riptide as his enemies closed in. He had to defeat them. The fate of the world rested on him. He couldn't let Kronos come back and claim himself the ruler. He can't let him start the new, bloody sixth age.
He can't let him have his...

"I'm Percy Jackson. Son of Poseidon, God of the sea. I would never bow to your will. I'm here to defeat you and send you all back to Tartarus, where you truly belong!" he said to them as they raised their weapons. Percy charged at them yelling "I'll defeat you, no matter what!" he raised his sword at the guy in the middle, "And I'll bring you back brother! I swear it on the River Styx!"


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