Mina:I have a schedule..And maybe I will not come home about 1 or 2 weeks..*look at Maid 1*

Maid 1:But..How about Miss Y/n??

Mina:Dont tell her...I'm in hurry..Sorry*left the house*

Maid 1:M-miss Mina...*look at Mina left the house*Haishh..whats wrong with this two??*go upstairs*

At Y/n room...

Maid 1:*knock the door*Miss Y/n??Are you awake??


Maid 1:*enter the room*Miss Y/n??

Y/n:*wake up and open her eyes*Ouh..Yes??

Maid 1:Are you okayy??*look at Y/n*

Y/n:Just a little bit tired..*look at the bed*
Where's Mina??*look at Maid 1*

Maid 1:She left the house just now..

Y/n:*shock*left the house??But why??

Maid 1:Actually..Miss Mina told me dont tell to you..

Y/n:Tell what??

Maid 1:She left the house for her schedule..And not going home about 1 or 2 weeks..*look at Y/n*

Y/n:What??!!*grab her phone*You can leave me alone..

Maid 1:Nae..*bows and left the room*

Y/n:*call Mina*


Y/n:Where are you??


Y/n:Why dont you tell me you have a schedule??

Mina:I dont want too..

Y/n:Mina-yaa..whats wrong with you??

Mina:I dont know..And please dont call me or chat me after this..Because I want to spends time with my member..


Mina:And one more things..I will not come home about 1 or 2 weeks..So dont miss me..*end the call*

Y/n:B-but..Mina??Mina??*look at the phone*Haish..whats wrong with her lately??*pulling her hair*She make me so stress..*massage her head*

(skip this part)

At downstairs...

Y/n:*go downstairs while holding Minjoon*

Maid 2:Ouh..Miss Y/n...*bows*Where do you want to go??*look at Y/n*

Y/n:I will go somewhere..You dont need to worry..*smile*

Maid 2:How about Minjoon??*look at Minjoon*

Y/n:I will bring Minjoon with me..

Maid 2:Ouh..Okay..

Y/n:Okayy..I will go now..

(skip this part)

At ___ dorm..

Y/n:*parking the car and hold Minjoon*

Y/n:*ring the doorbell*

___:Nuguseyo??(who are you)

Y/n:I'm Y/n..Dont you recognize me??

___:Ouh..Y/n noona!!!Please come in..*open the door*

Y/n:Aigoo-yaa..*enter the dorm*

[COMPLETED]Twice Mina- TWINS SISTER (MINAxFEMALE READER)Where stories live. Discover now