Chapter 3

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"Carlisle we need help." The kids ran into the hospital at human speed finding Carlisle at the front desk talking to a nurse.

"With what?" Carlisle led them to his office.

"There's this new girl in town." Emmett started.

"Ah, yes. I heard some nurses talking about her." Carlisle nodded. "What about her?"

"Well. We noticed some things about her..." Alice started.

"She was whispering to me in class knowing I could hear her. It was very quiet and while the bell was ringing." Jasper recalled.

"And it she doesn't have a heart beat. No blood." Edward gave.

"And she smells like the sweetest of flowers," Emmett mused thoughtfully. Jasper growled slightly surprising not only the other but himself.

Emmett was slapped on the back of his head by Rosalie who furiously added. "She blew up a can of soda at lunch and get got all over me!"

"How'd she blow it up?" Carlisle scowled.

"Well... we don't know. But just as she passed our table her eyes... they glowed. Not really glowed but it looked like the color in them were swirling around and moving." Rose pouted thinking. "I had just called her small, then it blew up. But she looked smug after."

"Alright. Alright. Tomorrow corner her or get some time alone with her and ask her. Or trick it out of her." Carlisle sighed picking up his beeping pager.

Charlotte took a midnight stroll through the surrounding woods behind her house. She didn't live in the city necessarily but at the very edge of it. Not secluded in the woods but about half a mile out of town. The house she was staying in was a faerie house. There was thousands located around the world for their use, only appearing visible when a faerie inhabited it. The walls were designed in a way there would be no need for lighting because the east and west walls were made of one way glass. Charlotte could see out and no one could see in. The ceilings had windows scattered letting light in. The fey did not need food or water, or even blood like vampires. They came from nature, thus needing nature to get energy.

Charlotte was so busy exploring the forest that when she leapt from rock to rock over a stream she didn't hear the growls until the stream was no where in sight.

"Stop." A deep voice commanded. "You are not welcome on these lands." A tall muscular man stepped out of the trees not bothering to cover his lower half.

Charlotte looked him dead in the eye pouting. "Well that's rather rude. Do you own these lands lycanth?"

"What the hell is a lycanth?" A higher voice asked. A female wolf.

"You idiot. It's the old term for werewolf!" A voice hissed next to her.

"Enough!" The man from before yelled. Several wolves came into Charlotte's peripheral vision. "You. You are no vampire. What are you?"

"A girl." Charlotte giggled swinging her arms and body in a girlish way.

The man from before growled. "No. You are not human, but not vampire. You are not one of us. What are you?"

"Why does it matter? I do not drink blood. I am no harm to you're people. I meant no intrusion, simply got lost in the woods." Charlotte smiled innocently. She tried to appeal to this man a child, someone who needed protecting. He was obviously the Alpha.

"You did not answer the question." A man appeared by his side.

"Ah. The beta. The last time I met a lycanth he was much nicer to me than all of you are." Charlotte examined her nails thoughtfully.

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