Why Didn't You Choose Me? (RK200 Markus)-Ending 1

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Prompt: Prompt: Being Carl's daughter, and (secret) lover of Markus, you're broken to find out that he was shot in cold blood due to Leo. However, what are the odds of him surviving and leading a revolution? What will you do when you find him romantically involved with an Android? Who will he choose?

Warnings: SWEARING 😂, Angst

(A/N): This is ending 1/4. Read part 1 to get a better feel to the plot! ❤️
~~~Markus's POV~~~

(❌) (Y/N)

Tearing my eyes away from North's deep look of betrayal, I waste no time going after (Y/N). Being a new deviant, experiencing new emotions, it all clouded my vision as of who I truly loved. North was a wonderful person behind her touch exterior, but she can never make me feel the way (Y/N) does.

Brushing past the soldiers, them paying little mind to me. I suppose they're too distracted by the fact that I'm caught up in dating drama. Hastily making a bee-line for (Y/N)'s car, I manage to catch up to her. Extending my right hand, I grab her's roughly, yanking her back just hard enough to pull her into my chest. "Hear me out-"

"Shut the fu** up, dou***bag. I don't want to hear your petty excuses." She growled with pure venom in her voice. Shocked by her outburst, I stumble back. "Please, allow me to explain-"

"I said, SHUT THE FU** UP, MARKUS." She turns her head to the side, obvious pain and hurt written on her features. My eyebrows raise in shock, and tears of my own build up in my eyes as I see large droplets of salt water fall from her dull eyes. What bright eyes that use to shine in the morning sun, now is dim in the winter cold. "There's no explaining what you've done... I thought you were dead, but in reality... You were just... having fun with someone else." Her beautiful voice cracks heavily, and I can feel my artificial heart drop. It's one thing seeing someone you love in pain... but being that cause... is something far worse. Knowing you can't fix it, is like immediate death. "(Y/N), I didn't mean to do this. Yes, I had feelings for North, but seeing you hurt... I realize who I truly love." Seeing that explaining the situation is only making it worse, I step back even farther. "(Y/N), I promise, I love you."

"I don't believe you..." She looks up, seeing her eyes looking back into mine shatter my heart more. I can see the betrayal and hatred she holds for me in her eyes. "(Y/N), please! Don't leave me." I beg. She only walks to her car, sitting herself in the drivers seat. What I hear next, will always be in the back of my mind.


"Why didn't you choose me?"

Part two! The next ending will probably be North. I hope you guys like it. I know it's short, but I may make a sequel to the reader's ending. ❤️

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