See You Again (WR400 Tracis)

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Prompt: You regularly visit the Eden Club; not to have "fun", but to see your two Android lovers.

Requested by: @SladeBlade

Warnings: Nothing really?? Slight mentions of sex. (Eden Club)


(Y/N) knew he was taking a risk on his reputation visiting the Eden Club almost every day of the week, but he simply couldn't help it... Cassandra (Blue haired Traci) and Leigh (Brown haired Traci) stole his heart the moment he passed by the Eden Club, looked in and saw the pair holding hands. As they made eye contact with him, as if their hearts in sync, they too fell in love with him.

"Welcome back, (Y/N). Don't have too much fun.." The owner of the Android sex club spoke, smirking. Shaking his head, (Y/N) looked up into the glass container (tube? Idk what to call it. 😂) at Leigh. Smiling a sad smile, she looked at him. As the door slid back, she stepped down and took his hand gently. Guiding him to Cassandra, she looked at them both with adoration in her eyes. Placing his hand on the identification tab, he squeezed Leigh's hand tighter. "We've missed you, love." Cassandra whispered as she stepped down onto the floor.

"I've missed you both as well." (Y/N) said cheerfully. Walking to a room, he held both his lovers hands gently. Walking in, closing the door behind him, the trio sat on the floor in the corner of the room. The three take the time they have to talk and connect with one another. Cassandra retch over and grabbed Leigh's hand, holding it. Leigh laid her head on her lover's shoulder. (Y/N) smiled at the two, admiring them both. "You two are the reason my heart beats... I just wish humanity would see the... Well, human in Androids. See that they're truly alive." He whispered sadly. The two Android lovers smiled a sad smile.

"We're planning an escape... It's dangerous, but we want to be free... With each other... With you.." Cassandra choked back tears. Leigh lifted her hand to wipe her lover's tears. "We're alive. We know we are, and we wish the rest of the world would see that too.." She stated. (Y/N) smiled, scooted over and kissed each Android's forehead. "We'll be together soon... I know it."

~~~(Time Skip to after Connor and Hank investigate the Eden Club~~~

Turning on his television, (Y/N) was more than mortified.

"Two Eden Club Androids escaped after one killing a customer. If you see these two androids, call authorities immediately!"

Dropped the remote, (Y/N) ran out the door in hopes to find his two beloveds. After searching the city for hours, he runs across an alleyway, hearing distant weeping. Looking around the corner, he sees Cassandra crying as Leigh held her tightly.

"Shhh.. we made it, see?" Leigh whispers. Shocked, (Y/N) ran to them quickly, tears daring to spill. "Oh my God! I thought you two died!" Looking up, Leigh looked furious. "Died!? We went to your apartment to see if you would help us, but you weren't even there!" Cassandra retch out and grabbed Leigh's hand. "He didn't know..." She weakly whispered, scared. "He's our lover. He knew we were going to escape, and he should've been prepared."

Tears flowing, he fell to his knees. "I didn't know, I'm so sorry... you two had me worried sick! I... I was scared..." Leigh's eyes softening, she gently grabbed (Y/N)'s hand. "I'm sorry I yelled... we're scared as well. If they catch us, then we'll die." Leigh choked out while holding Cassandra as close as possible. "We can't go back with you... they're searching houses now. We have to find Jericho!" Cassandra said.

"When... will I see you two again?" (Y/N) whispered. "When this all blows over, and we win our freedom, we'll come find you." Nodding, (Y/N) wiped his tears away. "Okay... just know I love both of you. I'll always love you." He pulls them both close to his chest and kisses the tips of their noses. "Stay alive for me..." Smiling, the pair each took turns kissing their lover.

"Don't die on me... I'll see you again..." Giving his two beloveds a sad smile, he watches as their petite forms disappear in the distance.

"...See you again..."

This sucks so bad, and I apologize! 😫

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