Don't Go! (PL600 Simon)

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Prompt: You are a young teenager whose family constantly abuses you. What happens when your Android, and dear friend, finally endures all he can?

Warnings: Mentions of abuse, mild gore.

Key: (H/L) (hair length) (H/C) (hair colour) (B/B) (body build) (E/C) (eye colour) (F/N) (father's name) (M/N) (mother's name)


"You... Y-you.... BI***!!"


Holding your left cheek, head slightly turned to the right, you feel tears stream down your aching face.


What happened? You may ask... It's unfortunately a sad story.

You're 17 years of age, a senior in high school. (H/L), (H/C). (B/B), with (E/C) eyes. The daughter of (F/N) and (M/N).  Outside of your home, you are upbeat and cheerful. Always smiling around your friends. At home... Is another story. Your parents aren't as nice as one would dream. It started out as low key insults, turning into emotional abuse. It slowly transitioned into verbal abuse, finally escalating into something physical. Your parents hate androids, but for some reason, purchased one. Your best friend, and first love, Simon. He was a PL600 model, housekeeping was his specialty, and he always brightened your day. He had shiny blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, and a handsome, boyish smile. If he didn't have an LED, anyone could be fooled.


Back to the present, shall we?


Holding your stinging cheek, your eyes trail upwards to connect with Simon's.  You could see him internally struggle with his programming.

The two of you were close. Very close. One would consider you lovers. Only one problem. Simon wasn't deviant, and let his programming stop him from experiencing love. Whenever your lips would brush into a gentle open mouthed kiss, he would abruptly pull away, claiming it was utterly unprofessional. You loved Simon. He was your first love, the only one who has ever made you feel this way.  Seeing him struggle with his inner demons hurt you more than anyone could imagine. Knowing you were the cause of it, hurt even more.

Clenching and unclenching his fists, opening and shutting his mouth as he frantically looked at you, worried. His eyes seen red flash before them. 


As if some barrier, a wall, was stopping him from getting to you, he looked at his hands. Head snapping up quickly as he heard a sickening crack. Your father, who had more strength than he must've thought, punched you on the side of your head. As his fist came in contact, a sickening crack sounded across the room. Scanning your body with his eyes, and your father's fist, he had determined that the contact fractured (F/N)'s index finger. Panicking internally even more, Simon looked at the wall. As if his soul had left his body, he began pounding his fists against the wall. Every hit seemed to bounce his body back with great force. Pulling his right arm back, he punched the barrier with everything he had in him. As the wall crashed down; he stumbled back, taking a gasp of air, as if he had been smothering his whole life.

Immediately sprinting into action, he grabbed your father's hand before he could swing the broken vodka bottle he had picked up moments ago. His piercing blue eyes turned cold as a stone in ice. Narrowing his eyes, he stared your father in the eyes. Sinking back slightly, your father has never seen anything more evil than a pissed off android. "Touch her, and you will be eating your own intestines." Simon growled, almost statically. Eyes widening, your father tried to yank his arm away. "Let go of me, demon!" He pleaded. Simon only gripped tighter. "I advise you to turn around, and leave." He warned.

Falling back, your father scrambled to his feet. Turning, Simon went to pick you up. You were still conscious, but hurt. He took account of your frightened eyes as you looked behind him. Before he could turn around, he felt sharp, knife like, edges of a broken vodka bottle sink into the back of his head. Feeling thirium slowly spill from his mouth, he made a gurgle noise. Sinking to his knees in front of you, his eyes rolled into the back of his head. You quickly grabbed him by the shoulders, tears streaming down your face as the Detroit Police busted through the front door. 'Neighbors must've called police..' You thought.

"PUT YOUR F****** HANDS UP!" The officers screamed at your father. One officer slowly walked to your side. Overflowing with tears, you gently shook Simon. His LED was still red, so he was still functional. "Simon..." You whimpered. He slowly opened his eyes, LED fading to a dull blue. He smiled sadly as thirium dropped from his lips. "I did it, (Y/N)... I broke free..." His smile fading slightly, he retch up to cup your stinging cheek. "But I'm dying... I don't want to die..." he whispered. Looking you in the eye, accepting his fate. "Before I die." His voice began cracking with static; his voice box was failing. "I have to tell you..." His voice almost fading to nothing but a small static sound, but you could read his lips. What you seen him mouth to you, will haunt your forever. "I love you..."

"Simon!? SIMON!" Panic surged throughout your body as he went limp, LED shutting off. Holding his face gently in your hands, you put your forehead to his. "Simon! No! Please..." You cried. What felt like hours, you stared at his blue blood stained face, still holding Simon's face in your hands, you connected your lips together, not caring if you swallow thirium. Pulling away, you pushed a stray piece of hair from his forehead. Sobbing a broken cry, you cradled your beloved in your arms.


"Don't go..."

I've been working on this one for a while, but I don't really like how it came out... I hope you all enjoy it, anyhow. Simon happens to be one of my favourite characters from DBH.

Should I make a part two? 😉

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