I'll Protect You, Even Unto My Last Breath (TR400 Luther)

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Prompt: Being the daughter of Zlatko was never easy, and your father's android becomes your portentous lover.

Warning: Slight mention of abuse, cursing, extreme gore.

A/N: This doesn't happen in the game, think of it like... a different scenario where Kara and Alice doesn't come into the picture.


"(Y/N)! COME HERE RIGHT NOW! YOU F****** BI***!" You heard your father, Zlatko, scream from across the house. Dropping your phone in shock, you look over to the tall TR400. Fear clearly written on your expression, you shakily follow the sound of your screaming father's voice.

~~~A/N: you can tell I'm from the south... my phone automatically autocorrects "tall" to "y'all" 😂😂~~~

"Yes, father?" You quietly asked as you walk down the creaky steps of the basement. "Throw this android in the f****** dumpster out back. The piece of sh** shut down, can't even fix it at this point." He grumbled, obviously outraged. 'You have a funny definition of "fixing" something...' You thought to yourself. "Yes, father. Right away." You replied hastily. Zlatko was far from a good parent. After your mother passed from childbirth 17 years ago, your father always held you accountable. He never settled for less than you only referring to him as 'father' or 'sir'. He made your young life miserable.

Throwing the dead body of an AX400 model at your feet, your father looked you in the eyes with a far from loving look. Quickly, grabbing the arm of the poor soul, you dragged her up the stairs and out to the back yard. Dumping her body into the dumpster, you hung your head low, upset that your father would kill innocent souls. "THEY HAVE NO SOULS, BI***! THEY'RE METAL!" He would always yell. Not to you, though... Simply because their blood was of another colour, meant nothing. They were alive, and so were you.

Walking back into the house. You made a bee-line for your room. Quickly closing the door, you looked up to the tall man in front of you. Smiling, he held his hand out to you. "You seem stressed, come rest." He spoke smoothly. You took his hand in yours, and returned the smile. Lovingly, he pulled you against his chest. "Surely, there is a little love in your father's heart for you. You are his flesh in blood, after all." Your smile falling at the mention of the man who created you. "That's how it should be, Luther... Unfortunately, some people don't see it that way. Nowadays, humans don't even have love for their own children..."

Pulling you closer, Luther lent down to ear level. "Just know that I love you, darling. Forever and always. You make me feel.... Alive." He whispered in your ear. A shiver erupted itself down your spine, craning your neck to look the buff man in the eyes. Blushing, you leaned in just enough to have your lips gently brush against his own. "God, I love you so much." You breathed out. Smashing your lips harder onto his, you feel his hands grip your hips. You grab the back of his neck with your left hand, while letting your right rest over where his heart would be. Feeling him gently bite your bottom lip, you giggle softly. "You're beautiful" Luther murmurs as he pulls away to allow you to breathe. Blushing more, you look to the right. "You're even more beautiful, Luther."

Luther slid his index finger under your chin, gently lifting to make you look at him. As he stared deep into your eyes, he smiled. "Not as beautiful as you." Smashing his lips against yours once again, he led you to your bed. Laying you down, while supporting himself with his knees and hands above you. Suddenly, the door slams open, crashing against the wall, making a hole.

"WHAT THE F***!? You're sleeping with a machine!?" Running towards you and Luther, he kicks the android off of you, grabbing you by the hair. "You sick bi***! I knew you were f****** stupid." Yanking you by the hair of the head, he slammed you against the wall, head first. "Father, please!" You cried, to no avail. Standing slowly, Luther looked up to see you bleeding from your head. Quickly, he sprung into action. Running to your father, he grabbed him by the shirt and threw him across the room, knocking him unconscious. "Quick, love! Run!" Luther yelled. Staggering to the door, you looked back at Luther who was trying to buy you some time. "I can't leave you..." You whimpered. "Meet me outside. I'll be okay." He smiled sadly, as Zlatko arose from the ground.

Running, (Y/N) never looked back. She made it to the front door when she heard a gunshot. Tears streaming from her face, she limped out the door. Before she could make it out of the drive way, she felt someone grabbing her hair once again. Being thrown to the ground, she saw her father with a shotgun in his left hand. "You bi***! You can't just run from me like that." He yelled in her face. Pointing the gun between her eyes, he had tears streaming down his face. "It's your fault I'm miserable! Your fault the reason my wife died! The reason why I want to die! Now, YOU, deserve to die!" You squeezed your eyes shut, ready for your death.

Before Zlatko could reach the trigger, the gun was taken out of his hands like lightening. "I advise you to step the f*** back, Zlatko." Luther growled. Pointing the gun on his own master. Zlatko, shocked, stumbled back from the force. Before his eyes turned cold again. "Luther! Move aside, that's an order!" Reaching for the gun, he pushed Luther back. Before he could hit the ground...


With wide eyes, Zlatko looked down to his abdomen. Blood poured from the fresh bullet wound, seeping to the cold snow of the night. "How... how could you.." Zlatko choked out as he spit his own blood out. Falling forward, he landed face down onto the hard, snow covered ground.

Throwing the shotgun to the ground, Luther quickly turned to face you. Falling to the ground, he snaked his arms around your small frame. "I thought you died..." You weakly whimpered, blood covering your vision as if poured from the wound on your head. "He shot me, but it missed my biocomponents." Putting his head into the crook of your neck, he let his tears fall. "I thought I was going to lose you... Let's go, we can't stay here. There's an abandoned amusement park not far from here. We can camp there for the night." He whispered. Smiling weakly, you placed your hands on his shoulders. Pushing yourself back, you looked him lovingly in the eyes. "Why'd you do it?" You asked. "Do what?" ... "Save me? Why'd you save me? You could've ran and never had to worry about father again... But you protected me. Why?"


"I'll protect you, even unto my last breath."


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