You Saved Me? (RK800 & Emma)

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Prompt: After Connor sacrificed himself to save Emma, she never forgot that day. Years later, she reunites with Connor to thank him.

Requested by: @curlyboygb

Warnings: Mild violence... And Hank cursing. 😂

"Don't come any closer, or I'll shoot!" Daniel screamed, holding a gun to Emma's head. Tears streaming down, heart beating in her ears, Emma done the only thing she knew to do... Beg Daniel.

"Daniel, no!" She begged, kicking against him, but he was too strong for her. She watched as Connor slowly stepped closer, negotiating with the Android she once thought as family. Like a flash before her eyes, she was knocked out of Daniel's grip, only to fall to the hard floor of the balcony. Flipping her head to look over her shoulder, she screamed louder as Connor and Daniel plummeted to their unfortunate dooms. As Connor began falling, as if in slow motion, he locked eyes with the terrified child. Smiling reassuringly for a split second before falling off the building, he closed his eyes.

Darkness. That's all he saw. After a flash of red before his eyes, he jerked awake, gasping for an unnecessary breath.

🔴Systems Rebooting🔴

Looking around, he saw the police surrounding the suspect. Slowly standing, he limped away.

"Mission: Successful"

~~~Emma's POV~~~

Gasping for breath, Emma searched for comfort within her mother's arms. She searched around the apartment, wishing she could thank the kind android who has saved her life.

~~~Time Skip: Emma's 18~~~

Yawning, Emma wipes her eyes before looking at her phone. "7:00 A.M". Sighing, she stands up and gets dressed. The Android had one their freedom years ago, and to this day, Emma could never get that Android who saved her life out of her mind. 'I wonder if he's still a detective..?" She thought to herself. "Time to find out. Better now than never." She whispered to herself, closing the apartment door behind her.

She looked at the door of the DPD. Opening the door, she was greeted with an Android receptionist. "May I help you?" She asked politely, LED glowing a dull blue. 'I suppose some androids still chose to keep their LED..' Emma thought to herself. "Is there an Android detective here? Brown hair? Brown eyes? Kinda silly looking?" Emma asked. Hearing a snort behind her, she turns around to be met with an older man with grey hair and grey beard, along with with Connor. "I told ya you were funny looking..." The older man snorted, obviously amused. Connor scoffed slightly, before noticing who the young woman was. Eyes widening ever so slightly, he tilted his head to the left. "Emma Phillips? The hostage of the PL600? Has it truly been that long ago?" He smiled. "Long ago!? I'm only eighteen..." She scoffed playfully. Smiling, Connor shook her hand gently. "It's a pleasure to see you again after all these years. This time, not being held hostage!" Connor joked. Hank rolled his eyes. "You still f****** suck at humor..."

Emma only smiled more. "I wanted to come thank you for your bravery. I wouldn't be alive today, if it wasn't for you." She explained. Not being able to contain her excitement and gratitude, she jumped into Connor's arms. Staggering back slightly out of shock, Connor slowly hugged the teenager back. "It was my pleasure." He said, recovering from his initial shock. Pulling away, Emma blushed out of embarrassment. "I'm so sorry! I was just excited, and didn't realize I had bursted your personal bubble." She laughed sheepishly. "All is well, Ms. Phillips." He nodded politely. "It was an absolute pleasure to see you again." Smiling, Emma nodded. "It was my pleasure as well! See you later!"

Running out the police department, Emma waved goodbye to the kind android. Hank smirking at Connor, not failing to point out the blazing blue blush sprawled out across his cheeks. "Run after her and get her number."


"No buts- Go get her number." Slapping Connor's back, he let out a fatherly laugh as Connor quickly shuffled after the female. "That's my son..."


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