38. Assassin

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I couldn't sleep that night, I had too many things in my mind. I was a bit afraid of seeing Ghost again and being unable to reach him. I was also confused by the actions of the Lunarians. I looked among my things for the flute I carved so long ago, but I was unable to find it anywhere. It was pretty late and I didn't wanted to bother anyone asking for something so superfluous. I went outside and searched for a branch, then I climbed the school and sit on the very top, where I started to carve a new flute. When it was completed, I contemplated it for a few moments. Without noticing I had added a lot more details that made it look like completely different from the first one I made, most likely due to the influence of Lapis. The more I looked at it, the more I regret carving both of them. The only time I did get to use with an audience of Lunarians, I ended up losing my head and fell into a long dream. I didn't mind suddenly being one hundred and two years older, I didn't mind having Lapis' head. But having lost Ghost, Shirou going missing, and being left out of Cinnabar's life entirely were things I regretted. The funny thing is that I couldn't even remember why I tried to communicate with the Lunarians in the first place.

—Was I trying to convince them to stop attacking us, or was I trying to stop the grail war?

—Neither —someone spoke from behind me.

I had been so focused on my thoughts that he had managed to take me by surprise, I jumped and almost fell from the roof.

—C-cairn, what are you doing here? —I said, pulling myself from the ledge.

—I couldn't sleep, so I came out to get some fresh air. I saw a shadow on the roof, and came to investigate.

—Oh, I see, great minds think alike. Wait, what did you meant by "neither"?

—You were thinking about why you attempted to communicate with the Lunarians in the past, weren't you?

—That's correct; it makes me glad to have you as my pupil.

—Who would be your pupil??

—Never mind that, you still haven't answered me.

—At that time, you told both Shirou and Ghost the reason behind your actions, and I heard about it since I was still inside of Ghost —Cairn said.

—Oh! I see! And then? What was it?

—You suspected Sensei, and wanted to confirm your doubts by asking the Lunarians.

—D-don't... Don't joke around with things like that! —I said, becoming a bit angry—, Why would I suspect Sensei?!

I told myself there was no way that could be the reason. Sensei has risked his life to save me when Rider attacked us, that memory was still fresh in my mind.

—I also thought you were crazy back then —Cairn added—, but he did keep secrets hidden from us, like how he knew about Shiro the dog. I don't particularly mind, but I can see how someone as restless as you might have become paranoid about such things.

Unpleasant memories and feelings started to emerge from deep within myself, and I forced myself to suppress them. I believed in Sensei.

—It doesn't matter; I'm a new person now, more mature and intellectual, with a bigger perspective and more experience.

—I wonder about that...

We keep trash-talking each other, and before we knew, morning had arrived. And just as the light started to illuminate the island, four sunspots appeared right in front of us.

—Perhaps they came to continue yesterday's conversation? —Cairn said, with a forced smile.

—I doubt it —I replied, as the sundries over the vessels that had emerged where already aiming their bows and spears against us.

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