37. Communication

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After almost an hour of plotting and eating the muffins Cinnabar had made, we returned to our normal activities. Since it was already a bit late and Cairn still didn't wanted to let me go outside, Antarc and I went to help him rearrange the library, activity that he had left unfinished when he and the rest of our brothers were called to save us.

—Cairn, wouldn't it be better if we put the books of Astronomy on the top of this shelf, Meteorology in the middle and Geology at the bottom? That way it would reflect the order in which they are found in real life, and everyone will intuitively search for them... —I started to go on a monologue, but as I looked at Cairn's stunned face I was unable to continue. The way I was speaking must have remained him of Lapis, which made a devious idea crossed my mind.

—I am Lapis Lazuli —I said with a grin.

Cairn immediately started to poke me with his spear until I told him I was joking and apologized.

—I promised to be a worthy substitute, didn't I? I'm trying my best to be the intellectual type like Lapis, so praise me a bit.

—You did say that, but why do you also have to mimic his habit?

—What habit? —I asked, actually unsure of what he was talking about.

—You keep playing with your hair, that's something Lapis used to do —Antarc said, barely lifting his gaze from a book that had caught his attention. I haven't even noticed, but I noticed myself just doing it.

—I... am Lapis Lazuli...

—Stop, my head is about to crack —Cairn said—, change your hairstyle, that's an order!

Almost as if summoned by those words, Red Beryl appeared out of nowhere and "forced" me to sit still while he braided my hair into a ponytail. I seized the opportunity to ask him about the eye patch before I forgot again, and despite me telling him it wasn't something urgent, he made it right then and there. It ended up being a purple patch with the cute design of an indigo butterfly on it.

—We don't have too many materials, I'm sorry I couldn't do anything more spectacular.

—Don't worry, this is perfect! —I said while seeing my reflection. I thought I looked absolutely adorable, but I still searched for Cairn and Antarc's approval.

—It is better, much better —Cairn said, finally being able to relax a bit. I don't think he even noticed the eye patch.

—It is very unique... —Antarc added.

Those weren't the kind of answers I was looking for, so I pouted a bit.

—I'm sure Shirou would think I look cute —I found myself saying.

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful, with the exception of the meeting we had when everyone returned, to tell them about our plan to rescue Shirou. I heard everyone's opinion about it, and found it weird that Bort didn't oppose to it in any form.

—Why would I? That guy has been skipping his duties for a long time, it is already time to bring him back and make him overwork to compensate! —he said when I asked, but I think at the bottom he did care and was worried about Shirou. Or at least, I convinced myself that was the case.

I also made an attempt to fix the ship, making it appear inside of the school to avoid being seen by the Lunarians. It barely fit on the big hall, but at least we were safe. I was pretty tired by the time I went to my room to sleep, so I just get out of my clothes and slip on my bed, not having enough energy to put on my pajamas. When I opened my eyes, I was again in that dreamscape I had seen before. I was in my old body, but I did had Lapis' head this time. My new cute eye-patch was missing, which was a bummer. I felt someone pulling my shirt, and I saw the kid made of gold standing next to me. I instinctively hugged her and rubbed my cheeks against hers. Of course she, being a part of me, was adorable.

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