11. Agate

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Rutile keep going on and on since the moment I had opened my eyes, but frankly I couldn't pay too much attention to her words, and she noticed it.

—Are you listening, Phos?

—I'm listening, but I'm still in shock after losing my legs. This is the first mission I can call a success on my life and yet we lost too much, not only me but...

In the table next to me was Shirou, his whole body had erupted in spikes. They had been receding slowly since we had gotten back home, but he was still a mess, and hadn't waked up since then. Dia had lost around 15% of her mass, but since it was had been pieces from all around her body, she just had become a bit smaller. She was the first of us who had recovered, and was fine with her appearance, and even accepted when Sensei took her out of patrolling, but her face changed when she saw us. She had been in her room since, and hadn't spoken to anyone.

Rutile showed me some huge spike thingies, filled with some gemstone.

—This was with you when we found you, the outside is very weak, more than you, but the inside is Agate according to Sensei. If we pulverize and mix it up, it will be roughly the same hardness as you. We can make you new legs with it, since we aren't probably going to find enough Phosphophyllite in the next 500 years to even recreate your foot. But I'm not entirely comfortable with just sticking it on your legs. Do you even know where it came?

I tried to remember, I knew I had seen them before.

—They were spikes on the shell of an Admirabilis.

Rutile was convinced with that explication, telling me that it was still a risky operation. Everything depended of my own inclusions. When everything was done, I was very surprised by their look, but their functionality was lackluster.

—There are sticks, it feels like I'm walking on sticks! —I claimed after falling over the lack of movement and sensitivity of my new legs.

Rutile was ready to break them and start again, but the other Lustrous that had begun to get there helped me get on my feet, and convinced both to give an opportunity to these legs. I found out I had forgotten Jade's name, which Rutile said it was to be expected, as I had lost around 1/3 of my body. They helped me get outside to be exposed to the sun, and I sat there for a long time, trying to remember what else I had forgotten. Just as I was coming to understood the futility of such idea, I heard someone approaching me.

—Good morning —Shirou said with a gentle smile, sitting on the grass next to me.

—Good morning —I tried to smile, but couldn't.

He had stopped looked like a pin cushion, but he was still missing an arm and had several "scars" over his body. He was wearing a robe like mine, since all of his clothes had been pierced and slashed.

—How are you legs?

—I still can't move them.

—Do you want me to hold your hand to practice?

—Maybe later.

We watched the clouds pass for a couple of minutes, there will be rain soon.

—The one who found us at the beach was Cinnabar?

—Oh? You were awake then?

—Barely... You really care for her, don't you?

—Yeah, we met once when I was doing some research at dusk. I though the Lunarians wouldn't appear since it was already dark, but they did. She saved me... and told me that she was just waiting for the Lunarians to capture her. Sensei says she chose to live away from us because she exudes a silver poison that damages our bodies. I told her I would find her a —I paused, that memory was a bit hazy—... a better job, one that only she could do. But I have made absolutely no progress on the matter. I can't even walk now...

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