39- Relationship Troubles Pt.2

Start from the beginning

"I wanted you to realize this wasn't on me this time. I wasn't about to kiss your ass for something you said. I was letting you slide with that shit every other time, but I'm not doing it anymore. If you do or say something wrong that's on you, not me. So if you don't apologize for it or say sorry then we just won't talk anymore. I'm not about to keep doing this with you. Aight?" He asked and I nodded for the third time

I'm not about to keep doing this with you.

So that means he broke up with me right? I'm single now? Now I have to hang up and go cry in a corner? Is that what this means?

"Quit overthinking it. I'm not breaking up with you." He said snapping me out of my thoughts

I nodded again. I didn't say anything simply because I felt like as soon as I opened my mouth I'd say the wrong thing, and he would get mad again.

"You gotta grow up, Siah. That childish shit gotta end." He said and I nodded once more

"And you need to talk. Stop shaking your head so much. You look like a robot." He frowned and I nodded again

"Wait! I mean okay." I said

He rose a brow. "You good?"


"Yes." I nodded quickly making him frown again

"You acting weird. What is wrong with you?"


"What is wrong with you?" He repeat making me sigh

"You've never talked to me like that before, so I'm nervous. I don't really know what to say at this point." I said

He was speaking in a really demanding tone. The same tone my dad used whenever he was yelling at me. But, Sincere wasn't yelling. He was talking, which made me even more nervous. I felt like a punk in this situation.

"So...are you still mad at me?" I asked barely above a whisper

"I can't hear you, baby."

With the mention of the word 'baby', I immediately felt a bit less nervous.

"I asked if you were still mad at me?"

"I ain't mad. Just a lil' irritated."

"You still love me though right?"I asked

"Do you really have to ask that?"

I shrugged. " I mean, I don't know. You don't look very loving at the moment."

"So? That doesn't mean I don't love you. If I didn't I wouldn't be on the phone with you right now."

"But you hung up on me yesterday, so that means you didn't love me yesterday!" I yelled

But, it wasn't an angry yell, it was a fearful one.

He didn't answer. He just laughed.

"Why do you keep laughing at me? What's so funny? I sound stupid don't I? I bet I sound stupid." I rolled my eyes at how dumb I probably sounded

"You do sound stupid. Real stupid" He said agreeing with me

I kissed my teeth. "See now you're just being mean!"

"But I'm telling the truth. You sound like a lil' ass kid."

"I feel like one too." I mumbled


"Because that's how you're making me feel! You sound like my dad right now."

"I have to in order to get through that big ass skull of yours."

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