39- Relationship Troubles Pt.2

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I told you I got you Jakayla4l🙃.

If you didn't read the chapter I posted yesterday go read it first.

I know I normally put these shits at the end but this really been on my mind. Like why?

Jasiah Mason-

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Jasiah Mason-

On the bright side, he answered my FaceTime. But, unfortunately he wasn't talking. He was just listening to me talk for some reason.

I probably looked desperate, but at the moment I really don't care.

"Can you talk please? I feel like I'm talking to a wall."

"Talk for what? You're not telling me anything I wanna hear."

"What do you want to hear? I already apologized several times." I said

"Why did you say it?"

"I already told you I just wanted to make you mad. I swear to God I didn't mean it. You pissed me off and I wanted you to be as mad as I was. Although I did kinda go over board with it.

"Kinda?" He asked

"Ok fine. It was wrong. I went completely over board and that was probably the dumbest thing that has ever left my mouth. I get it. It was my fault."

He narrowed his eyes at me before chuckling. I frowned.

"What's funny?"


I groaned because I felt like I was getting nowhere with this boy.

"I'm serious." I whined

"I know."

"So why the fu...why are you laughing?"


"Because what?"

"Because I noticed something."

"Sincere please just say it you're making me nervous." I said

"You know whenever we'd normally get into an argument, and it was your fault, I still ended up having to apologize. Even when you knew you were wrong, you placed me at fault. But-" He started but I cut him off

"I didn't-"

"Don't cut me off." He looked at me like I was crazy. "As I was saying, I'd usually have to make up for your wrong doings. But this time, you realized you fucked up right?"

I nodded slowly, trying to figure out where he was going with this.

"Are you breaking up with me? If you're breaking up with me just end that call because I don't want to hear you say it."

"Can I finish what I was saying without you interrupting me?" He asked in an irritated tone and I dreadfully nodded

I wish he would hurry up. He's raising my blood pressure.

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