Chapter 8: Rivendell

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I breathed out, moaning as my head hurt. I breathed in deeply, shrugging my shoulders and then I loosened. I touched my skin with my hand to feel it was clean and smooth. My eyes shot open and I sat up. I was led in a white bed in a white night gown, the room was open and fresh air drifted in. Gorgeous waterfalls tumbled and trees gently blew in the breeze.
'Where am I?' I uttered, gently lifting myself out of the bed. I caught a glance of myself in a mirror. I hadn't looked so beautiful in a long time. I stepped carefully down the spiralling steps to be met with all the people I loved sat at tables eating. There was silence as they turned to look at me.

Airabeth was the first to leap up.
'You're awake! You've been sleeping for 2 days!' She grabbed me and hugged me. I was still dazed, disorientated and confused as to where I was. Next was Legolas. He gently squeezed my shoulder and smiled. Thranduil and Elrond bowed their heads as I walked past them. Then I saw him, sat on his own. I ran to him and he stood up arms outstretched. Leaping into his arms, I felt him cuddle me tight.
'My beautiful little girl. You've been so brave.' He said, spinning me round.
'Father.' I whispered nestling into him. He put me down gently and I saw how his wound on the side of his head had cleared up. He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a little wooden eagle, handing it to me. I hugged him again.
'You've grown in strength, I thought you were going to die.' I smiled at him. Seeing him healthy made me want to cry with joy.
'The eagles flew us to Rivendell after the battle. Elrond has been tending to your wounds.' Then I remembered.
'Where's Thorin?' I gently asked everyone. They all bowed their heads, averting my eye contact. My father took in a deep breath, contemplating how to deliver the news to me. I had to rapidly blink to stop myself from bursting into tears.
'He is here my Lady.' Said a deep voice behind me.

I turned to see him stood at the bottom of the stairs in his blood stained linen shirt.
'But you fell?' I gasped, my bottom lip wobbling. He smiled warmly at me.
'As I've said before my Lady, you cannot get rid of me that easily.' I ran, jumping onto him and wrapping my legs around his waist. We kissed, tears running down my cheeks. He placed me down and I touched his front.
'Are you okay? I'm sorry that must've hurt.' He flinched a little but replied happily with,
'It was worth it.' He held me in his arms, rubbing my back. Thorin moved his head down to my ear and quietly spoke to me.
'I'll never leave you, I'll always be right here. I love you.' I breathed in his musky scent, so glad he loved me back. We pulled apart.
'And now I must ask, Sylla daughter of Bofur, will you do me the honour of becoming my queen under the mountain?' He produced a ring, with an emerald shard crafted into the top.
'Elrond made it. We used a part of the gem that saved your life.' Thorin grinned, holding it between his finger and thumb. I brought my hands to my mouth in shock.
'Yes. Of course I will!' He slipped it onto my finger and kissed me, the whole room bursting into applause. My father wiped a tear from his eye and clapped his hands the loudest. Airabeth jumped and cheered. They created an aisle and we walked through it. I was at my happiness, heading back to Erebor, our home.

I gently helped Thorin take his shirt off.
'There. Are you okay?' The huge scar spread across his stomach.
'I will be. Besides, you always loved battle scars.' He winked, trying to climb into bed.
'Let me help you.' I insisted, taking his arm and supporting him. He let out a great moan of relief when he was led down.
'How on Earth you managed to stand through the wedding and the crowning I don't know.' I said, getting ready to join him in bed. It felt odd knowing Thorin could see me getting undressed, it didn't feel like we were married at all.
'Come here.' He whispered, as I got into the warm covers. He pulled me right up next to him and we pressed our foreheads together. He stroked my neck with his thumb.
'I didn't think you'd settle to a life with no adventures.' I admitted to him quietly, the wood in the fire splintering.
'My dear, you've been the greatest adventure of my life.' He breathed and we kissed. And this kiss was an important one for it finalised everything. It represented what we had done for us, for our people but mostly, what we had done for Erebor.

For Erebor - Thorin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now