Chapter 5: A Dangerous Plan

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I awoke with a start to feel Thorin's muscular arms bound tightly around my waist. I sighed happily, and snuggled into him, enjoying the heat from his body. I felt him rub his nose down the nape of my neck and groan. I smirked to myself at his unenthusiastic outlook on getting up so early. I rolled over in his arms and gently caressed his face.
'Wake up Thorin.'
He moaned deep in his throat and buried his face into the pillow.
'Come on, stop being so indolent.' I said, stroking his dark hair.
'Must I?' He complained, not even raising his head from the cushion.
'Yes, come along.' I demanded lightly. He groaned again and then finally raised his head. His obscure eyes were half shut and hazy. I smiled warmly at him, draping my arms around his neck and fondling with the hair on the back of his head. I ran it through my fingers slowly, each strand as silky as the sheets on his bed back in Erebor. 'You're even handsome when you're exhausted.' I told him, gently kissing him.
'Not nearly as handsome as you.' He replied, kissing me back. We pressed our foreheads together, noses touching.
'Sylla,' I had been waiting for this for so long now, I burst into a smile before he even finished. 'I'm sorry for being so determined and I'll try harder from now on to make things work, I swear.' He said. I pulled away. It was most certainly not what I had expected from him.
'Oh, thank you, that is very considerate.' I uttered, getting out of the bed. 'I suppose we better get ready to meet Thranduil and discuss our plans.' I was quite hurt that I had not heard what I wanted from Thorin, but tried to hide it under a sturdy posterior.

'I do not have a sufficient amount of time to attack from behind!' Thorin declared, slamming his fist threateningly hard on Thranduil's wooden table. The map in front of him bounced a little. Airabeth and I flinched. Legolas paced around the table and Thranduil looked at the angered dwarf prince.
'I do not have to help you Thorin son of Thrain.' Thranduil stated, getting to his feet.
'No, please, I beg you, do sit.' Thorin insisted. I looked at the back of his head and bit my lip. I couldn't forget last night so easily and yet Thorin seemed to have just let is loose from his mind. 'Are you okay?' Airabeth whispered, patting my knee.
'Yes fine, sorry, I was day dreaming.' I vaguely replied, returning to my inner thoughts. Did Thorin actually like me or was he just lonely without his people around him.
'Do you think my father is worried about me?' Airabeth contemplated. I snapped out of my musing and stared at her.
'You haven't sent him a message that you are here?' I exclaimed. She shrugged, and played with the lace embroidery on her dress.
'He'd of sent out a search party if he was genuinely fretting for my life.' She doubled her leg on top of the other and folded her arms. I gaped at her unpretentious views. I could never imagine not telling my father where I was going. Nor could I imagine him not sending anyone to look for me.
'And you mother?' I added.
'Oh no, she knows. I sent a thrush with a message to her.' I was settled to hear this. Her mother would have surely told king Saellyn that their daughter was safe. I nodded at her and brushed my hair with my hand. It was terribly grimy and needed a wash.
'I must find somewhere to bathe. Is there anywhere?' I asked openly. Airabeth, Thorin and Legolas looked at me as if to tell me to be quiet. However, Thranduil stood and announced,
'Yes Sylla, Legolas will show you. Let us all take a break from this planning and resume after luncheon.'

Legolas pointed me across some stepping stones which lead me to a deep lagoon that was kept constantly full by a huge, tumbling waterfall. He nodded politely at me, and left. I took as much as I could off without going in nude, looked around and then dove in. The water was crystal clear underneath and was cool against my body. I swam over to the waterfall so I could wash my hair. There was a small rock step under the water so I could stand up. As I was about immerse my head in falling water, a voice called,
'You don't mind me joining you do you?' I knew who it was straight away without even looking. 'Yes Thorin, I do mind. I'm barely dressed!'
'Neither I am! Therefore, we're even!' I turned around to see him stood on the bank in just a pair of short breeches.
'You're a mischievous one Thorin son of Thrain, a mischievous one indeed.' I answered and with that he dove in. He popped up next to me; the bristles on his chin and around his mouth each carrying a droplet of water on their tip.
'Now if anyone is majestic, it has to be you.' I playfully taunted, drowning my hair in water. He stuck his burly chest out and comically flicked his long hair. I sniggered and then splashed him. His scrunched up his face in shock and blinked open his eyes.
'You'll pay for that one!' He pushed both his hands through the water, so a wave would hit me hard.
'Play nicely you!' I teased, about to swim back to the bank and get into my dress.
'Oh no, don't get out yet, let's play around some more.' He pleaded, grabbing my wrist. I turned so quickly and shot a frightened look at him. He realised what he'd done and quickly dropped my arm.
'I'm sorry, I won't hurt you again.' He tried to reassure me, but I didn't know if I was to believe him. I continued to swim to the bank and away from him.
'Sylla, Sylla, come on, wait.' He implored, tailing me. Suddenly, I heard something which did not sound good.
'Get down!' I gestured towards a protruding rock. We hid behind it, and looked up at the waterfalls peak. A goblin stood, peering down into the pool. I prayed he wouldn't notice us from the angle he was at. Scared, I began to panic, my heart pounding in my chest. I felt like I was going to faint, when Thorin grabbed my hand.
'Hush.' He whispered. That simple word from him, made me regain all sanity and normality within me.
'No, the elves don't suspect a thing; none of them seem to be around. We can take Mirkwood as soon as the rest of our lot come back from invading the Great Eagles.' The goblin called out. I looked at Thorin wide eyed, but he was focused on getting us away safely. As soon as the goblin had disappeared, we clambered out of the pool and threw our clothes on, running away from the scene as soon as we could.

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