Chapter 7: The Battle Of Gladden Fields

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We soared above the clouds, each flap of the eagles wings like that of a prayer. It was gentle and soft. I looked to my left to see Thranduil and his men then to my right were Legolas and Airabeth. We had come so far to lose now. As the eagles got in line to dive down onto Gladden Fields, Thorin drew his sword as I prepared my bow. We looked at each other for what could be the final time and then yelled at the top of our lungs,
'For Erebor!' And down we swooped, through the clouds to see war, dreadful war.

Orcs and goblins coated the ground like ants. The eagles screeched, grabbing wargs and trolls in their huge claws and throwing them across the fields. I leapt off and onto the ground shooting my arrows at the disgusting creatures. I had no time to check if everyone was okay, I just had to fend for myself. Two orcs ran towards me, so I slipped my bow onto my inner arm and drew my sword, stabbing them through the stomachs. It was hard to move due to it being a marshland, but I fought as well as I could. I was soon running out of arrows and searched my belt for something use. That's when I remembered I had the ivory horn. Shooting arrow after arrow, I yanked at the horn that was tied so tightly to my hilt. I couldn't get it off! I flailed my sword around, beheading some goblins. At long last, I got the horn off of my belt and blew into it. It let out a booming noise, loud but deep. A blockade of arrows soared from East. Thranduil's men came running, bows at the ready. Soon after them, a great stampede of horses, who trampled many goblins under their mighty hooves. I saw Teonvan among them, galloping towards me. A warg was also running to my right hand side, his jaws open ready to attack me. Teonvan lifted me over his head so I'd slide down his neck, and I swung my sword, topping the warg. I held his reins in one hand, brutally stabbing with the other. There was still no sign of the dragons but before I could completely dwell on this, I noticed something out of the corner of my. A dwarf, with a hat and a mattock attempting to fight off a huge orc.
'Teonvan, that way!' I yelled. He reared, landing on a small goblin and galloped ferociously, kicking water and mud up behind him.

I stood up on Teonvan's moving back, trying hard to hold my balance. The great orc swung his club at the dwarf, who was now on the floor, exhausted from battle. I leapt in front of him, my sword ready.
'Don't you hurt my father.' I threatened, my sword pointing at the orcs face.
'Sylla?' I heard my dad tiredly say, but for now I ignored him, keeping my eyes fixed on the challenge in front of me. Our swords met, the metal clanging. He pulled it down, trying to twist my weapon out of my arm.
'Ah!' I screamed, my sword and I falling to the floor.
'Poor little girl, thinking she could fight.' The orc growled, lifting his sword above my body. 'No....' I heard my dad feebly cry behind me. Out of breath, I closed my eyes as the sword fell downward into my chest. Something split in my pocket, roars were heard from the sky and the orc retracted his blade looking up. I opened my eyes to see the dragons swooping down. I grabbed my sword and thrust it into straight into the orcs heart. He gave a scream and fell to the floor. I crawled over to my father and grabbed him, hugging him.
'Sylla, what are you doing here? How did you not get killed then?' He tried to speak, but it was rasped.
'To save you.' I quietly replied, kissing his forehead and digging into my breast pocket. The emerald gem was split in two, but still held its beautiful green glow. My father looked at me with shock in his eyes, and then they darkened.
'You're mother... she was slaughtered... they raided our camp....' He wheezed, blood dribbling down the side of his head. I couldn't speak. My mother had been killed. Thorin ran over to us, sweat and blood coating his face and clothes.
'Bofur.' He pulled him up over his shoulders and placed him on Teonvan's back.
'Take him to Thranduil's palace, go!' That's when I heard a horrible noise from behind me. I turned to see Callyn, lying on the floor in pain. I gently took my bow from my back and placed an arrow in it.
'Rest in peace now my boy.' I whispered, aiming for his head. He breathed heavily and kicked his legs. 'Hush, you will be out of pain in no time.' He calmed, and closed his eyes. I let the arrow go and he flared his nostrils before going limp. A small tear left my eye, but I knew this was not the time to mourn Callyn and my mother.

Everything was calming and we were winning. The dragons and eagles were working together, the dragons blowing out fire and then the great birds batting it into the enemy with their huge wings. Suddenly, from the marshy water, burst a vulgar creature, his skin was a pasty yellow and his eyes were small and red.
'What is that?' I heard Airabeth shout, stabbing various orcs at the same time.
'The goblin king.' Thorin quietly gulped, raising his sword, but Thror pushed past him.
'My Lord no!' Thorin cried, grabbing his grandfather's arm, but he was shrugged away.
'I will not risk your life!' Thror yelled. With his great rounded shield in front of him, Thror ran at the beast, which immediately swung his huge cudgel, sending the King under the mountain flying into a warg pack. They howled ferociously and attacked him.
'No!' Thorin screamed, moisture dripping from his black locks of hair. Thror's shrieks were too much for him to handle and he ran at the huge goblin.
'Thorin!' I screamed as the exact same thing happened. However, precipitously the eagles swooped down picking up the wargs and throwing them into the deep, marshy water where they drowned. Thorin fell to the ground with a thud, too tired to fight anymore. The goblin king stomped over to his frail body, snatching Thorin's sword. His dark eyes were filled with tears as he glanced over at me.
'Goodnight Thorin son of Thrain.' The goblin leered, and drove his sword into Thorin's abdomen. He screamed in pain and then there was a deathly silence. I wanted to yell, I wanted scream, I wanted to attack but I could do nothing. I let my sword drop to the floor and fell to my knees. 'And now for the rest of you!' The goblin king snarled, running for us. All of a sudden, Gothmorg swooped down from the clouds, his jaws open. He grabbed the king by his head and battered him around, before tossing him into the air and swallowing him whole. I gasped at the dragon and then the sound of horns came from the mountainside. We looked up to see the elves of Rivendell, Lord Elrond stood at the front. They charged down, slaughtering the remaining wargs, orcs and goblins. It was over, we had won the battle of Gladden Fields.

I ran to Thorin, my face splattered with blood and mud. My dress was ripped and doused in dirty water. But I didn't care, I just wanted Thorin back. Blood was seeping through his clothes and he struggled for breath.
'Thorin no, no don't give up now, hang on a little longer. Please, Thorin please, don't go. Don't leave me.' His breathing was broken, it would sometimes hang in the air or would be a rapid attempt to stay alive. I used all my might to rip off a segment of my leather dress and pressed it against his wound. He gasped, swallowing hard. Everyone began to gather around us, forming a circle. Airabeth hid her face in Legolas' chest and he stroked her hair. The dwarf men of Erebor removed their helmets in respect of the young prince and Thror. The dragons and eagles bowed their heads and the elves just stared at us.
'You promised me you'd make it out alive, you promised we would make it back home to Erebor together.' I sniffed, my tears dripping onto his wounded body. I clutched onto him, kissing his head.
'I love you Thorin. Don't leave me here alone. Don't, please. We've been through too much Thorin. You can't. You can't go. I love you too much, please stay with me.' It was all rushing to my head, too much was happening. Elrond gently leaned down and tried to pull me away and everything started spinning. With that I fainted, Thorin letting out a final breath as fell into his splayed arms.

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