prologue - hormonal boys first

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All the chapters will be from the perspective of the female protagonist, Park Mellon. Only the prologue chapter is scheduled behind the timeline (6 years ago). The rest of the story takes place in the present. 

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To the ones who fall for hot minds.

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Grade 7 (6 years ago)

Legend has it that competitive people lead a more successful and happier life than passive pushovers. Which explains why Hermione Granger's reputation exceeded all other Harry Potter characters even before the world knew Emma Watson was the Chosen One to play the part. 

Fine, I'll bite. The wizarding world is not a reality and Hermione Granger did make questionable decisions later on but let me tell you, I am not an ordinary girl.

I bet you're all scoffing right now. You're thinking, "Well do you have superpowers? Are you some newly turned vampire with a vampire prince and a hot alpha werewolf fighting over you? Are you the Chosen One, with powers far beyond any sort of comprehension and are the only one that can save the world?"

My answer is: no. What kind of story do you think you're reading?

However, I assure you, I am not normal. Do you want me to prove it? I'll tell you in, not thirteen, but four reasons why I'm far from normal. 

Here, Reason #1: I really love school.

I know, I know. Case closed. This trait alone sets my sparkling personality aside from every student here (and in the world). Nearly every single kid attending school above the elementary level detests their school. College kids are downing Red Bull and Starbucks in the same cup to get through their day (kids, do not try this at home). But every school-going kid will pledge their allegiance to the statement that they absolutely loathe school.

See, here's the thing--I'm an ardent student who gets up earlier than the sun rises to get here not because it's the law, but because it's my sole joy in life. There are days when I stay until there isn't a speck of light in the sky, studying, not because I'm cramming for an exam, but because I love studying.

The art of education, events post-elementary school, and everything about being taught the multitude of life puts me under a spell. 

Where is 'here?' Right now, I was sitting on the front row first bench of my grade 7 class of the Romanus Barcross Academy (or Cross Academy for short because the full name is a mouthful). 

It's ranked in the top ten international academies for advanced education. It has one of the most beautiful campuses, courses headed by professors prefixed with doctorate degrees, and an advanced curriculum not offered anywhere else in the States (not to mention the food is absolutely delicious). This was the birthplace of world leaders, entrepreneurs, and one-fourth of the entertainment industry. 

A legendary institution built in the happy medium of Santa Monica has a reigning history attached to it. If Los Angeles, California, isn't on everyone's bucket list places, this is your cue to include it. 

Yes, I meant right now. I'll wait. 

My six-year course at the acclaimed Cross Academy was a dream I manifested with every fiber of my being. A special journal divider separated my scrapbook from a bunch of empty pages all set to be inscribed with the memories of the academy even. There I sat, alone yet all prepared with my notebook opened, a set of pencils ready to decorate a fresh page with aesthetic headings and notes, desperately waiting for my first day of grade seven to commence. 

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