32: birds

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Strangely, the bus ride from the airport to the Redwood campus lasted as long as the flight. But thankfully, I had Sam's shoulder to sleep on this time and no perverted man brushed his knees with mine. The ride was dark, silent, and full of anticipation and nervousness. When we landed on the campus, the sky was still dark but the welcoming team of boot camp instructors was full of life. 

They gave us a patrolling time frame to freshen up, have coffee and some protein cookies, and return back to the Meeting Square (or just "Square" as I heard a couple of them saying) in thirty minutes. Not just that, we were also supposed to group ourselves into teams of four before going to the Square. I was a morning person so I loved the zeal and growing list of instructions that followed. Who did not love it? Half the squad of Barcross Volunteers, who in my eyes, had already lost the race.

Sam and I made a strategic plan while choosing our group. It was a given that we'd both stick together. She had no choice (well, at least after seeing her beloved Grayson group with his best friends, she didn't have a choice). I knew the whole point of smaller groups was that we'd work together and fight others until the very end, after which we'd have to fight each other. 

Competing with Sam was not new to me. We understood the dynamics of our friendship and we knew exactly where to draw a line between life and career. I wanted to choose Sadie because I'd told her I would have her back as long as she had mine. The mention of Sadie Harper didn't excite Sam. Rather, it triggered something very new on her face so I quickly switched the plan and offered that we team up with two other potentially weak players so when the time came when we'd have to fight each other, we'd at least have an upper hand at getting through the mark. 

So now, in the square, four groups of four Barcross volunteers stood awaiting the instructors. With me was Sam and the other two girls who I don't recall the names of. Sam did all the talking. They definitely weren't morning people and that was a turn-off for starters. But Sam looked happy and I wasn't sure if I was too happy settling with this group. Compared to the one Sadie Harper had or the one Rainer and Grayson had, I felt extremely insecure and threatened. I just wish Sam had seen that. 

"Rise and shine, baby birds." 

The voice made every one of our chilly bodies straighten up and stand like we were troopers summoned by a Lieutenant. In walks a muscular strong man wearing a black sweatshirt with green cargo pants with silhouette eyeglasses like he's just come out of the gym. His back, his personality, and his walk, all resemble Dr. Owen Hunt, the trauma specialist. And when he turned around, he did look a lot like Dr. Owen Hunt, except, he was just older. Early-forties maybe? 

His fingers united in front of his waist as he addressed us like a senior filmmaker who I was already in awe of. "Birds. That's what we call the students going and emerging out of Ravenford University. You're in for a roller coaster ride for the next two weeks. You're going to forget there exists a world beyond this campus and get a glimpse of what your future might look like if you're fortunate, hardworking, and passionate enough to grab it." 

Those words in his voice are like a force that's enough to drive me to just win the scholarship already. I want it. I want it all and I want it so bad. I realize I'm smiling too much so before it gets embarrassing, I cut it off. 

"I am Adrian Lang. And I am the Chief or Super Captain of this boot camp. You may all call me Chief Lang. But mind you, my presence extends to only supervising and judging you kids. This boot camp for me is a break from my professional service for twenty years in Ravenford, so do not make it stressful. I'm on vacation." When he chuckles, we can't help but follow suit. "However, my Skips and your Captains will be doing all the training. Insider info, do not piss them off. They are your key to that sparkling scholarship. Oh, which also doesn't mean you should get too close to them. They're your seniors and you're here for a purpose so control those stupid hormones." 

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