The end of the beginning

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There might be some triggering crap towards the end******


I missed my period.

Like it's been a good month since my last one. 

Third POV

Salty tears ran down the girls face because of her newfound realization. She would find out for sure soon, but now she could only assume. The details of her rape were vulgar. She cringes as she thinks bout it. Of course she would wind up pregnant, just her luck.

She starts to laugh. She wonders if she's just as twisted as Maddox. She decides she's not, after all she didn't kidnap and rape a young girl.

She rocks herself to sleep that night. She forgot where she was. So she just went to sleep.


Karrie is running out of time before Maddox breaks her. Before Maddox takes her neck and literally breaks her. He's done that to everything girl he's ever chosen. He's nice at first, then he snaps and beats the living shit out of the girls. He's had six so far. I'm glad he thought of me as family...

My cousin Kai knows Karries situation is grim. Her chances of survival low, but if anyone can survive it's someone who is this far along.

Belle is sitting beside me  talking about some guy who likes her. I could care less but I have to act normal because she may report me to Maddox for odd behavior. Then it doesn't matter if Maddox likes me or not, I'd just be an object for torture.

Three weeks later

Karries POV

I've been raped three more times by Maddox. I still  can't remember where I am or even how I got here. Hmm... how did I get here. 

I open my mouth and shut it repeatedly while making an o sound. I'm making an o o o o o o o o sound not an oooooooo sound

I forgot what I was doing.

Oh well it'll come to me later. 

Maybe Maddox will visit me later. You know, he is an Olympic swimmer. That's how I met him, when I was at the olympics receiving my gold. He only got silver but that's ok because I know I'm cooler than him. 

I want to draw a car but I don't know what they look like. Sheila told me about them. C-a-r-s


it's time. I walk to Karries room and am about to explain the plan when I notice she's singing and running her finger over the wall.

"Little boys like Lollys but little girls do too and their seaweed eat Sherlock and the turtles die but I'm bursting through air gave peace through the night that the flag was still there" she sang.

"Karrie" I whisper.

Karrie turns around slowly. She smiles at me "Mia"

I nod and approach her "are you ok"

"I am fine" she bit her lip

"Are you sure you are ok?"


"Would you like to go somewhere?" I whisper 

She nods and follows me like a lost puppy. We sneak around to my cat and I finally get her to lay down on the back seat. I get in the car and floor it to the nearest hospital that hasn't been infiltrated by the gang. When I arrive there I pull up to the ER and tell her to go inside. I watch to make sure she does and then I drive off. I drive to the closet bridge. I angle my car so it will flip over the bridge. Then I drive off and say my final words- "fuck life"


Keep your eyes peeled for part two! I will prob go back and copy and paste my shorter chapter to one chapter. Does that sound good?

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