The Journey Of Healing part 3

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As Ron slept he didn't but when he awoke he saw 2 full grown lions of course he tried to cover intill the lion spoke peace with thee son of Adam who are you my name once was king simba now this is my mate formal queen nala please to meet you son of Adam my name is Ronald maam Ronald stoppable I'm sorry if I scared you both sir not worry there Ronald it us should be sorry for we didn't want to startle we were told that a son of Adam would be here high king Leo told us come and take to pride rock sir is that wise I am as you put it a son of Adam as you humans and mammals haven't be known now live with another sense first humans have live true dear Ron but the Lord Leo felt we could help you as well for I see why you are injured we across that huge medal bird you humans called a airplane but it has been damage quite for sometime I'm the only suriveror of that medal bird then let us help you dear one but why sir I'm human he look and smile friend Ron not beast of the ground are evil and at fault for even smallest creature knows right and wrong we all children of eden live with the curse of the tree of knowledge you both as well yes dear one my mate said is true dear Ron we can not all blame each for all of short comings even in the new narnia we pridelands live by same circle of life teachings Lord Leo gave some times it is choice all of us have to choose how we live it and because we feel you have greatness we can sense in you something we feel happy to help you if you allow us we both kind and caring beasts you have not to fear us we will happy to care for you and help with what you need he was stunned oh thank dear sir and dear lady for I am fool and I even disgrace you both nonsense son of Adam we both have children long and grown it be nice to company come and known us better son of Adam Ronald stoppable with that they lead him to pride rock. As they for good distance they were asorb by two figures afar as they watch one said do you see then kopa yep I see then kion hold off a minute let's wait see what this is about kion well it is strange and is that a son of Adam it appears so let's wait more into we can figure out more as stood in the shadows and waited for advents to unfold while Ronald walk with them they headed to pride rock when then across slanted edge rock as they walk to path where Ron stood with with his beard as waited we then see bunch of lions standing announcing the queen and king greetings son of Adam I'm queen kiara this is my mate king kovu hello your majesties my name is Ronald Dean stoppable the high king Leo said you both can help me heal indeed come walk with is us oh ok said Ron as he walk with them in family outing tell me about your life majesties I'm important I long ago help old friend become protector help defeating all evil that why king Leo help me with name but apparently my queen I'm not really stoppable I'm really failure I'm surprise to be here now it hurt doesn't losing your family more empty the graveyard not day goes by do miss my love ones who been with me since I was kid but know what Ron said Lord kovu they never leave you there always in your heart. As Ron humm a tune I use to think like you do I use to see things that you see them too during my days one so true sometimes those things never could come true faith hope love and joy i heard say teachings virtues something we mortals do serving others through the pain agony we drew love joy the king said upon the virtues tales of song we sing once we see. As song comes faith hope I know these that you say I use to feel emotions doubt despair fear are they simple thoughts tend do they locked are oursleves through feelings joy peace hope care that these are with king voice that shineth pray listen to the joy restoreth believe that prayer comes to thee with heart open healing come one trusted prayer it put to the test worship belief as these things that grow when storm blows toward you what do you do flew or stay the choice up to you calling of thing he love for you shall like seed that planted starving the ground sun and rain pour through seed eats filled learn seek what your heart wants the king savior knows all you seek its not that hard to see things that eyes can't but one heart pain comes king give his will standfast standfast be like rock amoungs the ocean faith hope should love and joy these things don't just happen you have build them like that same seed is plant in the soil peace joy hope are these tools we build look deep within the king comes to you we pray for the king who see all things that come hope hope that what give the strength. As song ended Ron look see Ron the king knows your pain but he knows your heart you have gift that he wants to build but only you have walk that journey thanks kovu thanks kiara all of you we that said it was simba that next to him while refiki place his staff place his hand oh great king Leo he called we don't know what this test you have brought to this son of Adam i can see your journey have for him watch and help me to teach your will for them we thank given us new member of the family to his love ones that pass I we pray that you keep them safe in heavenly circle above we pray amane.

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