Third Grade Drama

Start from the beginning

"You saved my life," Theo said dramatically.

"Not really. It wasn't even a real car," Philip shrugged.

"No, you're my knight in shining armor." Theo insisted.

"Philip!" Amelia called. 

"Be right back," Philip muttered before rushing off to Amelia's aid. 

"Oh, Philip," Amelia swooned. "That was so brave of you to save that girl."

"It was nothing really," Philip said, blushing lightly.

"Do you wanna ride?" Amelia asked.

"Huh?" Philip asked. 

"I mean, do you wanna ride? In my Barbie car?" she clarified.

"Yes! Can I drive?" Philip asked, excitedly.

"Sure, you can be my chauffeur." Philip entered the car and the two sped off with Philip driving it as fast as it could go.

"i'M pRinCesS AmEliA aNd I hAve a pRetTy CaR," Theo mocked with a roll of her eyes.

"That girl seems like trouble," Anastasie remarked.

They all nodded while they watched Philip and Amelia laugh as they recklessly drove around the blacktop, narrowly missing crashing.

~At dinner~

"Philip, how was school today?" Eliza asked.

"Fantastic! I met this new girl. Her name is Amelia and she's a princess. She even let me drive her car!" Philip exclaimed. 

"There is no such thing as princesses," Angelica objected.

"Then how do you explain Princess Amelia?" Philip asked.

"Lies," Angelica hissed.

"Anyways," Eliza interrupted to keep her children from fighting. "how old is this Amelia?"

"Eight, just like me,"

"And she has a car?" Alexander asked.

"Well, she is a princess Pops," Philip stated matter of factly as if that explained everything.

"Silly me," Alex said sarcastically.

"Angelica, how about your day?" Eliza asked.

"I proved the teacher wrong and then I was sent to time-out just because I was smarter than the teacher," Angelica told her family.

"Savage," Alexander Jr. whispered.

"That's nice, sweetie. Alexander, how about your day?" 

"Fantastic," Alexander replied.

~Flashback to earlier that day~

"Thomas," Alex greeted gravely as he entered Thomas' office that used to be Alexander's til he got depromoted.

"Alexander. I see you have gone back to your old style, a shame really. You actually looked decent on Halloween." Thomas said.

"That's true. I do look good in every color but, I didn't come here to talk about fashion with you." Alexander said while closing his office door.

"Really? Cause I was thinking that maybe if you slept and put a little effort into your hair and possibly wore more pink-" Thomas planned.

"No, no, no. I look great all the time and the color pink has been ruined by association with you. I came here to talk about the picture."

"Ah, that," Thomas said.

"I got you the promotion. Did you hold out your part of the bargain?" Alex asked.

"'Bout that. I was thinking-" Thomas started.

"That's never good," Alexander interrupted. 

Thomas simply glared at him and continued. "I don't think I'm gonna delete it."

Alexander sighed, "I didn't want it to come to this."

"Come to what?" Thomas asked with a little bit of fear in his voice.

Alexander smirked and pulled out an electric razor. "It'd be a shame if something were to happen to that wool of yours."

"For the last time, I am not a sheep and you wouldn't dare-" Thomas said as he touched his hair protectively.

But before Thomas could finish what he was saying Alex turned on the razor and it let out a threatening buzz.

"Okay, okay! I'll do it! Just turn that off." Thomas said, frantically moving away from Alexander. "Look, see." Thomas defended as he pressed delete on the picture on his phone.

"From recently deleted too," Alexander hissed. Thomas swiftly did it and Alexander flicked off the razor.

"Not nice doing business with you," Alexander growled as he walked out of the office while holding the electric razor maliciously. Thomas clutched his hair possessively and shuddered at the very thought of that horrid razor's buzzing.

~End flashback~

"Just fantastic," Alexander said.

"Pops, I have a question," Philip stated.

"What it is?"

"How do you let someone down gently?" Philip asked.

"Who are you letting down?" Alexander asked.

"Uh, Theo," Philip answered.

"But aren't you and Theo friends?" Eliza interjected.

"Yeah but, she wants me to be her knight but I'm already Amelia's chauffeur," he explained.

"Can't you be bo-" Eliza started before being cut off by Alex.

"No, no, he can't be both obviously Eliza," Alexander said with a devilish grin. "Philip, you just have to tell her that you like Amelia better than her and that you don't want to be friends with her anymore."

"No!" Eliza objected. "Philip, just tell her nicely that you want to hang out with Amelia today but that you'll play with her tomorrow."

Philip looked back and forth between his parents, unsure of whose advice to take. "Uh, thanks. I'll decide what to do tomorrow." Philip decided.

"My advice is better!" Alexander guaranteed.

"No!" Eliza disagreed. 


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