↬love sosa(1)//Riley

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omg this book is so cringy but people still read so i'll reupload the saved draft

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omg this book is so cringy but people still read so i'll reupload the saved draft. hah ha sorry for the cringe enjoy ig

Y/N sat in her room, purple walls plastered with Polaroids, magazine clippings, and posters of her favorite artists.

(Comment which artist(s) you would hang in your room. I'd say Aaliyah)

She laid across her bed, watching Grownish on her t.v, and online shopping.

She'd been inside all day because of the cold and abrasive weather.

She was truly bored, unable to leave her house and having finished all he school work.

Until she heard her phone ringing and saw it was her long time best friend.

They'd been friends since they were two. Their parents were all close before his parent passed.

After that, the Freeman's moved but Riley and Y/N kept contact.

She turned the t.v. volume down and answered the FaceTime call.

"Aye, wassup ma?"

"what?!" Y/N semi-yelled in her phone.

He turned his head around as if he was looking for something and said,"Yo' who the fuck you talkin' to?"

Y/N rolled her eyes, "the ugly ass nigga with braids fool" she replied.

"Omarion? His ugly ass ain't here?" He question

"I said UGLY!" I explained.

"like I said OMaRiOn" he mimicked me.

"Omarion isn't ugly, bye" Y/N got under her blanket and changed her led light color to purple.

"Why you got such a bad attitude ma? Is it 'cause i dissed your man?" He closed his bedroom door and laid on his bed.

"Nah, because you've been ghosting me." Y/N rolled her eyes again.

"I've been busy with basketball and stop rolling your eyes at me lil girl" he mean mugged the phone.

"I ain't no little girl" Y/N voiced.

"Ok, why you ain't at school?" He asked, changing the subject.

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