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"...Why are we doing this again, Lady Palutena?" He tilted his head, his voice showing off pure confusion.
They were going to the Chaos Vortex again, and he couldnt fathom why.
The last time they went, Pittoo almost died, and so did he, ironically attempting to save the dark angel.
"The Chaos Kin is out for blood again."
"We banished it?"
"Well, it made it's way back somehow."
These telepathic conversations had become the norm for the light angel.
His wings flapped in the air, looking like wings of a dove, but glowing a luminescent baby blue.
They were both silent, his flight path being controlled by the goddess.
It had been 3 minutes of flying faster than usual.
"I thought we wouldve seen the Chaos Kin by now?...Where is he?"
"I don't know...the last time I checked, he was here and pinned down."
Both Pit and Palutena stayed silent, both looking for the insect-like winged creature.
And then it came into view, shooting right towards the light angel.
Making him plummet.
"AG--H!!----............." The telepathy started to turn off, the signal slowly transitioning from a clear voice to pure static.
And then it cut off. No static, no panicked yells.
No nothing.

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