Austin didn't talk the rest of the night until it was show time. He wanted to make sure his voice was ok to sing. That was the main thing. Tim wouldn't even look at him during the show although he was stealing glances at the bass man every so often. "Hillbilly Bone" was Austin's favorite song in their current set list because he knew how they moved and knew what Tim looked like during their choreography.

He hoped his excitement wasn't noticed by any of the band or the fans as he side-eyed Tim as they did their routine. All too soon, for Austin, the song was over. The show continued, as it always does, until they came to the last song of the night. Then they would have a short ten-minute or so break and then they'd meet fans for a signing line. After the signing line, they would have a hotel room tonight. Chance was talking about going out to find a local place to grab a bite to eat and maybe some drinks.

Austin decided he didn't want to go out. The more he thought about the reaction he got out of Tim earlier, the more his body reacted. The more his body reacted, the more he had to think of his beloved grandmomma naked surrounded by dead kittens & puppies sitting on his brand-new truck and it was broken down and unable to be fixed. He tried to focus on the fans and what they told him, questions they asked, and the like. All his mind wanted to think about was the reaction from Tim.

Super aggressive. That low growl. Almost commanding. He had gotten lost in the moment but if didn't know any better, he might have sworn Tim's eyes had darkened some as they stood there. But maybe that was just wishful thinking! After what felt like forever, the last of the fans had finally left. They were ushered to the bus where they were taken to the hotel.

Tim bolted for his room and all Austin could do was stare at the magnificent ass as it left. Rob laughed as he slapped Austin's back. The smaller tenor began to slightly panic thinking his secret had been found out.

"He's just having a bad day. Give him some space and a day or so and he'll be back to his usual funny, sarcastic self." Rob smiled warmly at his friend.

"Thanks. I honestly didn't mean to anger him." Austin sighed as they waited for the elevator.

"Well you know how it is when you're having a bad day. Even little things can irritate you to no end." Chance shrugged, "You coming out with us?"

"No. I think I'll stay in my room tonight. Watch a movie, soak in a nice, hot tub. Try to not let Tim kill me while you're gone." Austin joked making them all laugh.

"Well you know where we'll be if you change your mind. Have yourself a good evening." Chance smiled as people split to head to their own rooms.

Austin glanced down at Tim's door before opening his. What was it about Tim being so aggressive that turned him on so? He sighed as he walked to his bed and dropped his bags on the floor. Knowing he needed a shower, he began stripping his clothes off then walked to the bathroom. His mind, yet again, wandered to aggressive Tim. Those eyes. That growl. That aggressiveness.

Austin needed to find a way to record that growl for future use. All he could hear in his head was that glorious sound as he jerked himself off. His breathing was ragged as he shot his seed and moaned out Tim's name. 'Why does he do that to me? Get me going like this without even knowing it.' Austin sighed as he finished his shower. He had a towel wrapped around his waist and was drying his shoulder-length hair with another when there came a knock at the door.

Not thinking anything of it, he set the towel down on the counter and walked to open the door. In one swift move, he found himself pinned up against the wall and the door to his room was shut. Tim was standing in front of him, almost smirking. The bass man had his dominant hand wrapped around Austin's throat and for a while he thought something seriously bad was about to happen to him. His body was trembling. He could feel the blood rushing south despite the slight panic in his mind.

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