Chapter 5: Depression Is Always A Familiar Feeling

Start from the beginning

I know he sounded disappointed but I actual really wanted to be alone.

He gives me one last kiss on the fore head an leaves. Stiles comes in to talk

"You're gonna get through this, your one of the strongest people mentally an physically I know. Says Stiles

I let out a little chuckle "Thanks"

"I will always be here okay?" Says Stiles

"Okay. Not to be rude or anything but can I just be alone an I'm tired." I tell Stiles

"Of course" an hands me the sheets "Scott told me to give these to you an said if you need anything he'll be down the hall"

"Thank you Stiles, it means a lot that your even here." I thank Stiles an give him one last hug.

Stiles gets up from my temporary bed an says "I'm am uh gonna go now" an just as he's about to walk out the door he says "Good night, don't let the werewolves bite."

I smile an say "You too."

I look at the clock that's right next to the bed an it says 3:17. I probably should get some rest I lay down an try my hardest to fall asleep it takes a while but I manage. Scott comes to my room an wakes me up at 7:00.

"Are you sure you want to still go?" Scott asked

"Anything to get my mind off of what happened." I say

Scott sits at the end of the bed "Do you wanna talk about it?"

"There's not much to talk about, all I know is that it wasn't an accident." I say getting a little irritated I don't know why though

"What do you mean" Scott says with a look of confusion on his face

"I don't know how to explain it just um, Nothing's an accident in Beacon Hills." I say

"Hmm, you should start getting ready, Stiles will be here to pick you up in half an hour." Scott tells me as he leaves the room an closes the door behind him

I get ready an head down stairs where Mama McCall stops me. An I'm force to make more conversation. For once this big mouth of mine would like to shut up. An not be reminded of what happened last night, Actually more like this morning.

"Did you eat?" Ms. McCall asks

"I'm not really in the mood to eat right now." I say

"Okay but make sure you eat something later" she says

I nod. I hear Stiles honk an I head out the door. I hop into Stiles car not saying a word.

"So you alright?" Ask stiles but I ignore him an continue to look out the window

"I understand if you don't want to talk I lost my mom too you know, I know what it's like to loose someone."

"I'll shut up now."

I look at Stiles an give him a tiny smile an turn back to the window

"That's an award winning smile there."

I growl at him.

"Okay gosh" an Stiles shuts up until we get to school

"An we're here" Stiles speaks an shockingly he opens the door for me.

"Thanks." I say just to show a little gratitude for the ride

"She talks." Says Stiles as I elbow him an let out a little chuckle "See you later"

I walk inside an go to my locker a grab my history text book an book an close my locker to see Liam leaning on the locker next to mine. He's about the only person I want to talk to right now.

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