5. Surprises.

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Regina Daniels as Katherine.

I wake up to find my self in my bed as the alarm clock goes off at 6.30am. Wait my bed? How did I get here. I remember falling asleep in... Oh My God. I quickly sit up and look around. I find that my room is as good as new, like I didn't throw a tantrum yesterday. Well I would have to thank Jules for that.

Remembering the tantrum, I quickly check my feet. They're not swollen anymore but they still feel a bit sore. But it's nothing I can't handle. I make a mental note to go and thank them with some cookies or something.

I quickly get out of bed to go and prepare for school and see a note on my dresser.
I take it to read:

'Kath, I'm sorry about what happened to you yesterday. No one should have to go through that. I put you in bed, if you're wondering how you got there. Take care of yourself Kath.

I smile to myself. Jake is a really nice guy with a really beautiful handwriting by the way, along with his sister. I've never seen anyone like them. They're nice and caring and accommodating.

I fold up the paper, put it back on the dresser and go and prepare for school.
While in the shower, I can't help but start thinking about what happened yesterday. Zack doesn't know how I feel about him so maybe that's why he's taking this so lightly like he didn't just stab me in the heart. I've decided that Zack and I aren't friends anymore although it hurts like a b*tch, he betrayed me and I can't be close to him if he's dating Lauren. I'll just move on. Move on from him and my feelings and make new friends seeing as he was my only friend. So my number one extracurricular agenda is Make new friends.

I take extra care in dressing up today. I have a feeling that today will be really good. I wear some ripped high waist jeans and black crop top I got from Fashion Nova. Yeah I know they're expensive but they have the best outfits for someone who's on the curvy side like me.
I curl my hair with a curling wand. I notice my hair is longer than shoulder length which I don't like so that means I'm going for a haircut after school.

Satisfied with my look, I carry my hand bag with my books in it, and go find something to eat. I have twenty minutes before I'm declared late so I have to hurry.

I get a Chocolate Berry cake that I made a few days ago, and some Orange juice. I eat like a Rushian and head out the door. Fifteen minutes.

I get in my car and turn on the ignition and the worst thing happens. It won't start. Oh come on. This is not happening. I hate being late. Okay let's do this again.

I turn the key again and again and again. Oh man. I check my watch, twelve minutes. I'm going to have to walk although I'm late for sure.

I start the walk from my house to school which normally takes twenty minutes but seeing as I've only got eight minutes till I'm late, I guess I just have to live with it today.

I walk faster for some time until I feel a slight ache in my foot. Could this day get any worse?. I think the universe is reminding me that I shouldn't have been kicking at my poor bed yesterday.

I continue walking and the pain starts to worsen. I shouldn't have worn sneakers. God please save me. I say a small prayer.

I hear a car honking behind me and then I see a black SUV come to a stop right beside me. I stop in my tracks to check who it is because this person obviously knows me.

The person brings down his windscreen and Lo and behold, I see none other than Jacob Jackson, smiling with those pouty lips, and staring at me with those beautiful eyes of... Focus Kathy.

"Hey Kath, hop in." he says and I oblige. Anything to get me off my feet. I enter the passenger seat of his car,and he continues to drive. I take a look at him and I notice he is wearing formal clothes that looks really elegant by the way.

"What happened to your car?" he suddenly asks and brings me out of looking him over. "Uh.. It's Uhh.. It refused to start this.. This morning" Girl what is with the stuttering. He just nods and asks another question.

"You go to Titanic right?" he asks me. I nod my head because I can't talk. I don't know what it is that makes me so shy around this guy. Whenever he's close, my heart starts thumping like it wants to escape from it's spot in my chest. I start having goosebumps all over and I literally lose my ability to arrange sentences. But I still feel comfortable around him. It's weird I know.

After I nod, he continues driving and the silence is getting really uncomfortable. I hate it when I'm with someone and we're not talking. It just irritates me.

"So Um, Are you in college?" Really Kath, that's the best you could come up with?
He shakes his head. Hmm so what does he do. And it's like he heard my thoughts because he replies "I'm a Chemical Engineer. I work at Shell Oil Company."

I'm kinda surprised at this revelation. I expected him to be in college or something but not to be working in a Oil Company. And not just any oil company but THE oil company. Wow just wow. I can't begin to fathom just how much money he has right now. He's just full of surprises isn't he?

Just as he said that, he pulls into the school parking lot just in time. He drives to the front of the school building where I can easily get into the school and stops. I go to open the door but he stops me.

"Wait here." I don't know what he's doing but I decide to wait. He gets out of the car and comes around and opens the door for me. "Now you can come down." he tells me. I shake my head and chuckle. He really is full of surprises.

I get down and smile at him "Thank you." I look around to see that everyone in the parking lot is staring at us, especially the female species among them. I spot Lauren and Zack in the corner where Zack's car is parked. No doubt she must have been eating his face before the distraction which is probably Jake happened because she is giving me a serious death glare. I don't care though.

I face Jake and give him a genuine smile. "Jake thank you really. You literally saved me from being crippled for the next few days. I owe you."
"No Kath it's all good. No need to owe me anything. Well I need to get to work. What time do you dismiss?" he says and does that squinty thing with his with his eyes again. I smile and tuck a loose strand of hair at the back of my ear.

"3pm." I say.
"Okay, I'll be here to take you home then. Take care Kath. Have a nice day."
He says and storms off before I can say anything. He gets to his drivers door and waves at me. I wave back and watch as he drives off. Then I head to class for what is sure to be an eventful day.


Hey people, It's FC here. Just want to say thank you for reading and clarify a few things.

This is not a bad boy story. Jacob is just a really nice guy who is kind and has the purest heart. He's very thoughtful and does not see anything in helping people out. But he can be badass when he has to be. But like everyone. He's not perfect.

Bad boy stories are getting too cliche anyway. But I might write one in future. But Jake ain't a bad boy.

And the whereabouts of the Jackson Parents will be made known soon. I have not forgotten about that little detail.

Thanks for reading.

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