1. I'm Katherine.

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Kathy POV

My name is Katherine Okoye. I'm a Nigerian but I grew up in North Carolina after moving here with my parents when I was five I think. And now I'm eighteen. My life couldn't be better right now. I'm in senior year high school, I got my own car, my parents love me and give me everything I want. Everything is perfect except for one thing.

My love life is a wreck, a total disaster, a monstrosity if you can call it that. But now I should have a loving boyfriend who is always there for me and blah blah blah. But no I don't. I can't actually.

So here's the thing. I met Zack Peterson when we were in first grade. I started off having a crush on him because well, I couldn't help it. He was just so cute at the time.

We became friends though, and as the years went by we became closer. We ended up turning into best friends and also family friends cause it turned out that his dad knew my dad in their business world. Our relationship really grew. We started having sleepovers at each others houses, always were together at school, People once started calling us the IT COUPLE of Titanic High. But I was quick to clear the air. Though deep inside me I wished we were actually what they called us, A Couple.

Things were actually going good until the first day of 10th grade. I remember it so well, because that was the day he broke my heart into a million pieces.

It was the first day of 10th grade. I was so happy that I was finally going to see Zack again. I went on a vacation to Maldives with my parents over the summer and usually Zack would come with but he had to go visit his Lala in the Philippines.

I was so happy that I had to take extra care in dressing up today. I put on the new Fendi T-shirt my mom got for me and a black leather skirt I got from the mall. For my shoes I went with some brown flats that matched the Fendi prints on the top. I styled my braids and put on some makeup but I only put some lip balm on my lips because I always kiss his cheek every morning by request.

I rushed down the stairs and hurried out the door and locked it, my parents were out of town and my older brother had already left for the office. Yeah Jeffery is like ten years older than me. He was just staying at home because he had to stay with me till my parents got back. Other than that, he has a house somewhere else.

I got in my brown Toyota Avensis and got on my way to school. School was just ten minutes from my house with a vehicle. On foot, it's double the time.

I entered the parking lot of Titanic High after nine minutes drive. I looked around to see if Zack was in school yet and I saw his Spider parked in the left corner. I drove to the where his car was and parked mine.

There wasn't a lot of people in the school then so I wondered what he was doing in school so early.
I entered the almost empty hallway and made my way down to my locker and what I saw stopped my heart.

There he was, heatedly making out with my arch enemy. The girl that has made my life a living hell since my freshman year. The girl who arranged for me to be beaten to a pulp just because I ran into her. The girl who has picked on me countless times and has never seized to remind me that just because I'm fair skinned and I have citizenship does not make me one of them. He was kissing Lauren Adams.

I felt a tear run down my cheek. I felt pain not only because I was hopelessly in love with him and hoping something could grow between us, but mostly because HE BETRAYED ME.

Don't get it all wrong though we are still friends. Most definitely. It turns out that Lauren who was dating the quarterback of the football team secretly liked him. But she couldn't leave him for Zack because of her 'Reputation'. Poor Zack.

After a lot of argument and crying, I got over it. And figured since they were not dating I still had a chance to get my Prince Charming but it's two years down the line and you won't believe he is still waiting for Lauren to break up with her boyfriend. Hmph! Like that's gonna happen.

I'm currently standing in front of my mirror getting ready for my final year in high school and maybe the last chance I have to make Zack notice me when I hear some racket from my window.

I go to look and check what it is and find out that there are like three mover trucks on the street and one is blocking our driveway and if they don't move away, I can't get my car out to go to school.

I quickly grab my backpack and hurry down the stairs. My parents are out of town for six months so I'm all alone here.
I go out the door to find who it's is I need to talk to to get the truck out of the way.

I stop in my tracks when I see a gorgeous man. No guy. Yeah he's a guy. He's like, the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I suddenly feel really hot just by looking at this deliciousness in front of me. He has dark skin with the most amazing brown eyes and pouty lips and.. Don't get me started on that body. This hottie could give Zack a run for his money.

I'm brought out of my train of thought when I see him walking towards me. HE'S WALKING TOWARDS... HELP JESUS. I'm not given any time to process and he's already talking to me.

"Hi, Uh I saw you come out of that house over there" he says pointing at my house but I'm a bit distracted by looking at his really alluring lips and tight muscles that I wish I could... FOCUS KATHY.

"You seem to be looking for something. I'm Jacob Jackson, your new neighbour. I'm moving here with my siblings." He continues as he holds out his hand for me to shake and I look at it a little, before taking it lightly as all girls are taught to do.

"I'm Katherine Okoye. You can call me Kathy." I reply while taking my hand from him. "You're Nigerian?" Wow I didn't expect that question. I just nod.

"My moms Nigerian." He says smiling. I smile back unsure of what to say. "Um what is it that you wanted?"he asks me and I suddenly remember why I'm here.

"Um Yeah, one of your trucks is in my way and I really need to get my car out to school. Could you... "

"Sure Kath I'll get it removed. I'm sorry it was in your way okay?" He tells me affectionately before I can finish what I'm saying. Wow what a guy.

He immediately goes to tell the mover guy to get the truck out of the way and then I see his siblings come out of the house.
His sister comes out first, she's very fair skinned like me and is a little smaller than Jacob and very pretty. I could see the resemblance. And I saw their brother. He's not as bulky in size as Jacob. He obviously does not hit the gym but he looks like he's older than the two of them.

The girl walks up to me smiling from ear to ear. "Hi I'm Jules Jackson. You're our neighbor right?" She hold out her hand. I take it and nod smiling at her too. "I'm Katherine Okoye and yes I'm Nigerian." I say slightly laughing.

"I see you've met our little brother." Wait what? Little brother? Whoa that's really huge. I mean he could pass for their eldest.
"Meet our eldest. John come meet our neighbour." She yells for John who's talking with the mover guy. He immediately rushes to her side.
"What's up turtle head?" I chuckle absent mindedly at this. What a nickname. If Jeff gave me this I'm sure I'd pull all my hair out cursing at him. Jules just smiles though. I guess she's used to it.

"This Oaf right here is John. John this is Katherine our neighbor." I look at John who's assessing me with his eyes. "Wow you're really pretty." I blush slightly at this. Wow he's not very subtle is he? Jules smack him at the back of his head with a fan. What a funny family. I know I'll get along with them.

"Hey Kath the truck's moved. Have a nice day at school." Jacob quickly tells me and then hurries off to continue moving stuff.

"It was nice meeting you guys." I tell them. They smile at me while I retreat to my car and start my ten minute drive to school. All the while thinking about his captivating brown eyes.

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