2. Hope is gone.

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I get to school just in time before the first bell goes off.
I see Zack waiting for me beside his car with a happy expression on his face. He looks so perfect with his messy brown hair, white shirt, letterman jacket, black skinny jeans and sneakers.

I park my car excitedly and run into his waiting arms. He hugs me and spins me around like I weigh nothing at all. Anyone who see us would think we were a couple.

After a few spins, he puts me down and I plant a kiss on his cheek. He hugs me again.
"God! I missed you so much Kitty." he says while squashing me tightly in his arms. Gosh talk about power. And just so you know, Only he calls me Kitty. Anyone else, I'll cut their tongue.

"I didn't miss you." I say with a smirk just to tease him. It always works. His face suddenly falls.. Haha JACKPOT. he opens his mouth to talk when I burst out laughing.

I'm laughing so hard I'm gasping for air. "You" huff "Should" huff "See your face right now." He starts pouting. Uh oh that's not good. I have to tell him that I missed him before World War Zack happens.

"Hey don't pout. Of course I missed you." I say now looking at him with puppy dog eyes. He slowly breaks out a smile and then slings a hand over my shoulder. I smile knowing it worked.

"So tell me, what'd I miss these past few days that we haven't spoken?. Feels like forever" he asks as we make our way into the building and to our lockers which are side by side.

Zack traveled to the Philippines for the summer to see his Lala so we didn't see each other at all. Summer was lonely since he's like the only person I hang out with. But we talked every now and then and Skyped each other. Frequent but not regular which was a bit strange. But for the past few days he was on his journey back from the Philippines which is on the other side of the world by the way so we couldn't talk.

"Well my parents are out of town for a business thing they have. And then they are going to Nigeria for a while. They said its important. They'll be gone for six months." I say while we reach our lockers and grab our books. "Oh and I have new neighbours. They're all siblings and really nice. I think they're older too but they were so nice to me this morning."

"Well that's good. It's going to get boring when you're at home alone and you'll need company." he replies.
"Why do I need them when I have you. We can be having our sleepovers. They're always fun." I say waggling my eyebrows at him. But part of me is confused though. He always offers up his company to me at the slightest sign of me being alone.

"Uhh Kitty there's something I need to tell you." Zack says as we start walking to class.

"Sure Shoot!" But before he could talk, I heard a "Babe?" Behind us. We turn only for me to see the Queen of all things evil herself in her cheer leading uniform. I don't understand, is she lost or something.

"Lauren what do you want. Are you lost?" I find myself saying before I could put a lock on my mouth. Lauren never talks to us except she wants to pick on me but this is the strangest thing. She's grinning from ear to ear at my best friend.

No that can't be right. Normally Lauren would spit something back at me but her attention is... Wait a minute

I look at Zack and he has a guilty expression on his face. He won't even look at me. Suddenly, Lauren goes closer and kisses him on the lips. It's like the world has stopped spinning.

Lauren and Zack are finally together. Any hope of me and Zack getting together is gone. My heart feels like its going to explode into a million pieces. I need to get out of here before I scream on top of my lungs.

I don't even spare them a glance and just turn and start stomping down the hall.
"Kitty wait!" I hear him following me. I stop in my tracks deciding to hear what he has to say.

He gets to me and puts his hands on my shoulders. My head is down, I refuse to look at him. It's too hard. I can't talk because I'm scared I'll start crying. But I'm able to breathe out a silent "When?"

He let's out a sigh and start running his hand through his hair, messing it up further. He only does that when he doesn't know what to do.

"Over the summer, in the Philippines. She said she was there on vacation with her family. I saw her and her sister at a mall in Manila and we just started hanging out from there. And then.. " he trails off and looks at me with a defeated look on his face.

"When we're you going to tell me Zack?" I say getting angrier and angrier with every word. "First of all. Lauren made my life hell in freshman year. You're not supposed to be liking her. That is if our friendship means anything to you. I let that slide. Secondly when we're you going to tell me that my arch enemy is now your girlfriend Huh? We were communicating when you were in Manila. Why didn't you tell me then?" At this point, I'm down right furious at him. How could he?

"Kitty.." he says while pinching his nose. I look at him, waiting for an explanation I know fully well that he doesn't have and as if on cue. The second bell goes of signaling 'Get to class'.

"Just leave me alone Zack." I say and go around him heading to home room.

School today was really depressing. I don't have any classes with Zack so I didn't have to avoid him so much.
During lunch, I sat alone at our table outside. I looked for Zack but found him with the other jocks at their table with Lauren on his lap trying to suck his face off. Ew.

It was a really painful sight. To avoid more pain I just deposited my lunch in the dumpster and left the lunch area and left.
He doesn't even care whether I'm angry or not. He doesn't care if I'm hurt.

He's gotten the girl so Katherine can go to hell. It hurts so much.
I've loved Zack for so many years. But I guess some things aren't meant to be.

Right now I'm in the parking lot trying to get to my car when I hear something I just don't need right now. The voice of the witch.

"Katherine. Hey wait up." she yells. I continue walking to my car. I don't have time for this.

As I get to my car, I feel a hand on my shoulder and I turn to face her. "What do you want Lauren?" I ask her with a stony expression.

She looks at me and smiles, tilting her head to this side. "Oh Katherine you don't look so good." she says with that annoying nasally high pitched voice of hers. So annoying.

I'm really getting bored as she's just looking at me and smiling. Only God knows what's going through the mind of this evil witch.

"Well here's the thing. Zack and I are together now. You have to deal with it. I've watched you since freshman year always acting like you own him. Always hugging him and kissing his cheeks. I know you like him. But do you have to be that obvious." She says smugly with that nasally voice again, swinging her head from side to side. It's taking everything in me not to break her nose right now.

"Anyways," She continues "I want to make something clear to you. Zack is mine now. I know you were crazy about him. But times have changed. Stop hovering around him like a fly or so help me God... "

"You shouldn't be saying 'God' seeing as you're an evil witch with ice in your veins." I retort because I'm clearly tired of her insults.

I really want to say something to her but I zip my mouth because I'm tired and I really want to go home and also because talking back might end in me pulling all her hair out and breaking her nose so I just leave her with her obviously red face and zoom off in my car.

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