The Robber Knight - RobThier

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When you are fighting for the freedom of your people, falling in love with your enemy is not a great idea. Or is it? Ayla has to defend her castle and her people all on her own, with nobody to help her but a dark warrior she hates with all her heart.

Title: The Robber Knight (Book 1 of 3)

Author: RobThier

Genre: Romance, Historical fiction

Status: Completed

Rating: 10/10. A solid, sturdy 10. 

Okay, so it is a well-known fact that I am obsessed with the writings of Rob Thier. So much so, in fact, that I am writing this review when I should be studying for the 4 exams I have in the next two days. Priorities, am I right?

In any case, I'll try to keep this brief.

This book is fucking amazing. I'm sorry if you don't like swearing but I don't think there was any other way of conveying my complete and utter infatuation with it. Scratch that, the entire series is fucking amazing. 

I started and finished the three-booked series quite a while ago, probably just after I had finished Storm and Silence book 1 (so, probably like 3 or 4 years ago... cough. Just a little while). I'm a complete sucker for historical fiction, and this series being set in medieval times beautifully contrasted the setting of Victorian-era England of Storm and Silence that I had been reading prior. Not that there's anything wrong with stories set in Victorian England. They're the best. It was a nice change, is all. 

Even though these books are quite a bit older than the Storm and Silence books, the plot, language, characters and atmosphere are just as skillfully established by Rob as they are in the current day. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll get angry to the point where you're personally offended by the imaginary actions of imaginary people in an imaginary world. Rob does so well to create characters that you feel towards and form connections with immediately, creating couples that will make you both swoon and cry out of loneliness. 

It is the perfect concoction of all things great: A pinch of unbearable sexual chemistry, a splash of swoon-worthy romance, a sprinkle of evil villains and a whole goddamn bottle of epic battles and heroes. 

It's honestly perfect. Do yourself a favour and give it a read. You definitely won't regret it. 

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