Finding Love in a Coffee Shop - XxSkater2Girl16xX

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Katie Holmes is a caffiene addict. Between college, and taking care of her brother, it's acceptable. Though, it doesn't help that the cafe down the street is full of handsome baristas, including one William Cerak in particular who has a mysterious scar on his wrist.

There's some danger and romance and humor and a greek guy, but I'm too lazy to come up with an interesting whatever-this-thing-is-called at the moment lol. And no, it's not a gang novel. Something akin... but no gang wars or anything. That's all to A Proscriptive Relationship.

Title: Finding Love in a Coffee Shop

Author: XxSkater2Girl16xX

Genre: Teen Fiction

Status: Completed

Rating: 9.5 out of 10

Finding Love in a Coffee Shop is an amazing book. It's sweet, funny and a little bit dark too. Katie has experienced tragedy in her life that continues to haunt her, leaving her battling anxiety and struggling to support her brother Dustin. I was constantly laughing one minute, the next minute I would be transfixed, concentrated and silent at a serious issue that would come up, and the next I would be awing at something sweet. I loved this book so much and was really sad once I finished it.
This is a great read, I definitely recommend it.

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