Training with....

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"Sting you idiot. Don't go exploding our student" Rogue yelled

*Cough* *Cough* "I'm fine don't worry" said Lucy as she came out of the dust looking like a roast pig. "No you're not.  You look like a roasted pig" Lector said "Fro thinks so too" Fro said. "STING!!!! GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE NOW" screamed Lucy as she chased him all around the forest. "Gyaaaa!! I'm sorry!" Sting screamed like a girl. "Hmph, you better be or else" Lucy said as she death glared Sting. "I-I-I-I'm sure" Sting said trying to look serious. "Hahahahaha" Everyone laughed "Wha- That's not funny! Come on not you too Lector" Sting cried.

"What are you guys doing in my forest?" a mysterious voice asked. "I'm Sorry?" Lucy said "Who are you guys?" "I'm Lucy, this is Sting, Rogue, Lector, and Frosh who are to shocked because they haven't seen a dragon in forever." "Ehhh did you say Lucy as in Lucy Heartfilia?" "Yes I did why?" "I am Celestria. The celestial dragon and you are the princess" "WHAT! Me/Her a princess?!?" Everone screamed. "Are you sure this roasted pig is a princess?" Sting asked.
"And whose fault is this?" Lucy glared with her whip in her hands. "Uhhhhhh Nothing." Sting replied backing away. "Calm down Lucy." Rogue said. "I'll take you back and your mom will explain everything." Celestria said

Lucy's POV

OMG! OMG! OMG! My mom is alive! Yay!

"Now Lets go" Celestria said as she wrapped her tail around all of us and entered a portal.

Dragon Realm

"Wow It's so pretty" I said with the others nodding. "Well, Shall we go to your mother and father Lucy?"

"YEA!" I Yelled super loud and everyone winced at my voice except for the exceeds and Celestria. "Oi Blondie lower your voice or you'll make my ears bleed." "That kinda was the point and sorry Rogue it was meant for light bulb over there" "Hey-" "No problem Lucy-San" Rogue said smiling "And please drop the honorifics because we are going to be together from now on. Same goes for you guys too" "Okay!" All of them said smiling except for Sting who is still fuming about his nickname.

"Lucy?" someone says I turned around and literally ran and jumped like a kid to hug her. I was so happy!

Sting's POV

"She can run like the speed of light" I said telling Lector, Rogue and Frosh.

"So Lucy would you and your friends like to train to get stronger?" "YES" I heard Lucy yell "But I don't know about them" as she pointed at us. "Sure" I said with the exceeds and Rogue nodding agreeing with me. "Then it's all settle. Celestria will show you to your room and get ready for the party tonight, you'll be meeting your dad and all the dragons" she said smiling. She really did looked just like Lucy.

Betrayal HurtsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon