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Knockout's POV

     "Mmmmmm." He moaned weakly.What happened? Knockout slowly opened his optics as his systems came back online. The chemical! He shot up a into a sitting position a little to fast and realized their was something wrong. He looked down at his... CLAWS?! Knockout backpedaled and fell onto his back looking up at his two front paws. He rolled over and sat up. A quick self diagnostic showed that he was fine except he had transformed into a creature that greatly resembled a predicon. He now had four legs and a long neck with a slender mussel and three horns with a row of spikes running down his spin almost to the end of his long tail. At the end of his tail was the end of his electric rod and he had longer fan like spikes above his shoulders. They almost look like wings. He was still the same colors and none of his armor was broken and his finish was still intact. He scanned himself just to make sure and to make matters worse the scan showed that the forced transformation had overloaded his t cog. Great.
     "Mmmmmm." He heard a moan from behind the lab table he was near. Oh Scrap! Starscream! He had completely forgotten about how the seeker had also been exposed. He shakily jumped on to the lab table and peered over at him. Starscream looked a lot like him. The seeker was sprawled out on the floor and none of his armor was broken either. He had four legs just like Knockout but they were longer and more slender with a different set of horns and spikes, he had the same long neck, mussel, and tail except his had a small yet sharp blade at the end of it. However Starscream had longer sharper talons and actual wings. Interesting. Its seems fliers have wings and drivers don't, just like our vehicle modes. His thoughts were interrupted by Starscream opening his optics and groaning again. The seeker shot up similarly to how Knockout had done except he smacked his head against Knockouts chin. The collision sent both of them stumbling back and Knockout almost fell of the table he was perched on. Starscream recovered first and for a moment he just stared at Knockout and with out noticing his own change he rolled onto his back and began to push him self away.
     "What are you?" He asked slightly gaping. Knockout growled and jumped off the table towards him. He was a little proud that he didn't stumble when he landed.
     "Get away from me!" Starscream yelped frantically as he was now up against a wall.
     "Starscream it me!" He snapped back. Not the most informative response.
     "Knockout?" Starscream gaped.
     "Who else?" Now the seeker was just irritating him.
     "What happened to you?" Seriously? Did Starscream really not notice yet?
     "Seriously? Have you looked at your self lately?" He said as he sat back and waited for the fun with a smug expression across his face plate. Starscream took a moment to push himself off the wall and look at his changed circuits. He gazed at his front legs first then down his chest to his wings. He then stared at his back legs and then down to his tail finishing with the spike at the end and then back to his mussel.
" the pits of Kaon.... IS WRONG WOTH US!!!!" He screamed. Knockout cringed back. Wow these forms have good hearing.
"Starscream cool your circuits." He said trying to sooth the panicking seeker who shakily got to his feet.
"And let the pacing begin." Knockout mumbled to himself as sure enough Starscream had begun to pace and mumble to himself. AGAIN!!!
"Starscream please I am begging you stop pacing and let's go."
"WHAT! Knockout were are you suggesting we go?"
"To the bridge... to notify Lord Megatron... because he kinda needs to know about this." Starscream huffed at this.
"Fine." He said quietly.
"What was that?" Knockout responded slyly.
"I said fine." Starscream repeated as he rather begrudgingly walked to the door. "But I suggest that we avoid guards."
"Your the boss." Knockout taunted, as he followed, his voice laced with sarcasm.
The door opened and they headed out into the hallway. Knockout calmly walked to the bridge avoiding guard patrols while Starscream pressed himself against the warships walls and hissed at him to get down.
"Would you just relax what's the worst that could happen?" He asked as Starscream pulled him to the wall he was crouched next to.
"Don't ask me that." Starscream grumbled as he kept walking.
When they reached the door to the bridge Knockout went to open it and Starscream hissed at him.
"What do you think you are doing?!" He looked alarmed.
"I am going to tell lord Megatron about this."
"You don't even know if he will understand us. We couldn't understand those predicon clones Shockwave made back on Cybertron."
"Well its worth a try." Knockout finished their conversation and went to open the door again. But as he did Starscream, out of nowhere, shouted, "WAIT!" and jumped on him sending them both tumbling through the door as it opened. Just my luck. Knouckout thought as they rolled to a stop, and of course their heap of wings, tails, and talons landed right at the peds of a very surprised Lord Megatron. Only one though came Knockout's mind. This will not end well.

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