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Bumblebee's POV

"BULKHEAD!!! I NEEDED THAT!!!!" Ratchets yelling rather abruptly brought him out of recharge. Not again. The scout thought to himself as he stood up and waited, listening. BONK! CLANG!
"Ow!" He took Bulkhead's complaining and the all to familiar clang of a tool, probably a wrench, as his cue that it was safe. Bumblebee walked out of his small room and into the main room of the base. He found Ratchet picking up a wrench and Bulkhead rubbing his helm. Good shot Ratch. He also noticed the broken prod on Ratchets table. Typical.

But what he did not notice was the small splash of green glowing liquid seeping under Ratchets armor.

Bulkhead's POV

     Bulkhead rubbed his throbbing helm. Man, Ratchet has good aim. He hardly noticed Bumblebee walking in as Ratchet picked up the wrench with a smug expression across his face plate. He turned towards the doctor.
     "It was an accident." He wined as out of the corner of his optics he saw the scout cross his arms and lean on the wall patiently. Arced walked up beside him.
     "Jeez Ratchet could you yell a little quieter next time?" She interrupted before the medic could begin scolding Bulkhead. "You yelled me right out of recharge." She continued.
     'Yeah, me to.' Bumblebee beeped and wirred in agreement. Ratchet huffed and opened his mouth to protest or lecture when his optics rolled back in his head and he fell to the floor.

Bumblebee's POV

He crossed his arms and leaned on the wall as Bulkhead whined at the medic about the broken prod. Arced walked up and stood beside him also crossing her arms.
"What did Bulkhead break this time?" She asked with a very unamused expression.
'A prod.' He beeped to her. She face palmed and interrupted their conversation before Ratchet could start another lecture.
"Jeez Ratchet could you yell a quieter next time? You yelled me right out of recharge."
'Yeah, me to.' He agreed. Then he noticed something glowing green on the medics back. Just as Ratchet opened his mouth to protest, or Primus forbid lecture, his optics rolled back in his head and he passed out. The three of them rushed forward to help him but they were blinded by the glowing light from his back.
When Bumblebee opened his optics again he was shocked to find Ratchet was gone! In his place was a predicon-like creature. It had four paws with slightly dulled claws, it had a long tail with Ratchets welder on the end of it and a neck about half as long. It opened its optics and began to sit up but paused and looked at itself. It took a moment to process and the glared and growled at Bulkhead. Ok well that answers that question. Its still Ratchet. He thought as Arcee and Bulkhead seemed to have the same thought.
"Ratchet are you OK?" Arcee questioned. Ratchet growled and then softly roared. We can't understand him. Bumblebee thought, he recognized the feeling Ratchet must be having and he felt bad. He knew what it was like not to be able to communicate. In fact he owed the only communication ability he had to Ratchet. He brushed the on coming memories aside and focused on what was happening in front of him. Ratchet was struggling to stand but slipped and fell. Bumblebee rushed forward and barely caught him, but Ratchet pushed him off and growled. Bumblebee stayed close much to Ratchet's annoyance. The medic stood and took a step forward only to fall, catch himself, and stumble into his work station. Bumblebees optics widened as the sample tray, holding about half the substance they had gotten from Soundwave, toppled over the edge and spill green liquid all over him. For a moment he just starred at it and then, as the liquid began to glow, he fell into darkness.

Arcee's POV

What in the allspark was that stuff! She thought as it had turned Ratchet into a predicon looking creature and then spilled on Bumblebee. As the blinding flash hit her for the second time she could only wonder what would happen to their scout.

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