Chapter 9: No Time Left

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"Is she okay?"

"Looks like hunger fatigue. Notchdamnit...I knew that rabbit wasn't enough,"

"What do we do? Don't we have anything?!"

"We're down to two coconuts...that's all,"

"...Then what do we do?"

"I...think it's too late. We've got to get out of here, Z, before we end up like Caramel. Listen, I've got a raft being built, and it's got enough for for--"

"Wait! You're not SERIOUSLY bailing on Caramel, are you?!"

"We don't have the means to care for her in this condition! Best thing we can do is make it as painless as possible..."

"I can't believe you! After EVERYTHING we've been through, you're giving up on her?!"

"You think I WANT to?! We did everything we could to last this long, but I TOLD you we were short on time, and now she's just too far gone! There's nothing we can do for her now..."


"...I know how you felt about her. And I'm sorry, I really am. But now, we need to focus on moving out of here. She'd want us to live. I KNOW she does. Now, eat up. We have to work on that boat ASAP."


Caramel's eyes fluttered open. Everything was faded, and it felt cold. She was alone. The fire was in front of her again, but it was barely going. She barely had the strength to turn her head, but when she did, she saw Awesome sitting by the fire, looking very weak. His usually straight posture was now slumped, and he looked wearier than before. Caramel saw no sign of Z anywhere.

"Awesome..." she croaked. "Where did...?"

"Caramel?" Awesome turned to look at her. "Oh, you're still alive."

"Barely...I don't even have enough energy to move anymore. What...What happened to Z?"

"Still insistent on finding food for you. But the only food left on the island were these two coconuts...and...I already ate my half. Sorry,"

"S'okay. At least you're still kicking..."

The conversation faded to silence. Caramel's eyesight was still faded, and she could barely breathe. The fire was near, but she still felt cold. Could this be how it ended for her? Did she really have no time left?

Just then, she heard limping footsteps. Z was approaching, still carrying his coconut. When he saw her, his eyes widened and he hobbled towards her as fast as she could. "Caramel! Oh my gosh, you're okay! I knew you were still alive!" He dropped to the floor next to her, turning to Awesome. "You see, Awesome?! I told you she wouldn't give up!"

"Good for you," Awesome said half-enthusiastically. "Let's hope we can last a day more. Now shut up, I'm going to bed." With that, he turned around and fell asleep.

"Ehhhhh, don't mind him," Z advised Caramel. "He's just cranky because he hasn't had enough to eat. We can't find anything more...haven't eaten a thing for days...and you know...some of us might not tomorrow..."

"I know..." Caramel said. "But, at least you still have some food. I think I'll go to sleep too--"

Caramel cut off when she saw Z falter, nearly toppling over. "Hey--whoa!" She caught him just in time, but nearly fell over herself to do so. "'re about to starve..."

"So are you," he said, noticing how pinched and pale Caramel's face now looked. She shook her head. They really were at risk now. Awesome was safe for the next few days, but they needed something now. However, there were two starving people, and only one coconut left. Caramel stared down at it, then shoved it towards Z. 

"Here. You need to drink this," she ordered him. But Z only stared at it, and shook his head.

"No way. You COLLAPSED on the way here. You need it more than I do," he insisted.

"Don't try to play the hero, Z! I'm not letting you starve to death!" she snapped back. "You found that coconut, so you need to use it."

Z stared at the green shell and its sloshing fluids inside, his eyes shimmering with sadness and guilt. But finally, he seemed to give in. "You're right..." he spoke. "I DO need to use this." With that, he sipped the whole thing in one gulp.

"Well...that's it, then," Caramel thought as her senses began to fade, satisfied that Z would be alive long enough for him to get back home tomorrow. "I just hope death won't hurt..." Her eyes wilted shut, her heartbeat slowed...


Suddenly, she felt Z's lips on hers, and the taste of coconut milk washing into her mouth and down her throat. At first, she was surprised and confused. Just then, she realized what Z's intention had been: he was force-feeding her the last of the coconut!

"Wait! Stop--!" Caramel gasped, pushing him away, but it was too late. The empty coconut shell dropped to the ground, Z giving Caramel a weak smile. "Z! What have you done?!"

"It's alright..." he said, lying back down. "It's okay..."

Caramel felt hot tears sting in her eyes. "But...why?"

"Because there was only one left..."

"No, NO, stupid! Why did you give it to me? I literally said I hated you and ran away! How could even THINK of--"

"C' didn't mean it, right?"

"...W-Well, I DON'T now!"

"I thought so," Z said with a small teasing grin. "Caramel, listen: get off the island with Awesome. Find a ship. You can get back to the mainland from there.."

"What?! No!" Caramel cried, getting up. "Y-You can't! We finally found a way off, you HAVE to live!"

"I'm sorry I have to leave this...but..." Z didn't even have the strength to finish his sentences anymore.

"It'll be okay, I promise! Awesome will get the boat ready, we'll sail off, and we'll find more food somewhere in the ocean!"

"You know I won't last that long...not after...well, that was my choice. I'd do it all over again if I could..."

"Just hang on, we can make it!" Caramel begged, tearing up. "Don't go, please!"

" me a favor--"

"Z, NO! Y-You can't leave now..."

Z reached into his pocket and pulled out his blue clay doll. "Take Chip with you. He needs a new friend now..."

"We need you! I need you!" Caramel started to cry. "Don't go, please...You said you would survive..."

Caramel covered her mouth. She couldn't believe after the way she hurt Z, he still wanted to save her. He still chose to look after her and love her over surviving. Who would do such a thing? However, what was done was done, so as it was, there was only one thing she could think to do. With shaking hands, she gently took Chip from Z and cradled him in her arms.

 "Show him to Lux and Yogi and all my other friends back home...okay?"

Caramel wiped her streaming eyes. "O-Okay..."

"And please...survive...for me,"

Caramel was now too upset to speak, watching him die in front of her like this. So, she could only nod.

"Hey...why don't you sleep by me? One last time..."

This time, Caramel didn't hesistate. She practically jumped onto Z, hugging him tight. To him, it was the happiest way to go. As the fire dimmed and went out, he leaned his head onto hers, closing his eyes. 

As for Caramel, she listened for his heartbeat again. It went on, getting slower and slower with each passing hour. 

Then, at last, when the last flames of the fire had blown out...

There was no heartbeat to listen to.



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