Chapter 1: Crash Landing

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"We're going down!"

"Fasten your seatbelts!"

"Head for the exits!" 

"We're going to die!"

The endless screams and shouts filled Caramel's ears as the plane went hurtling down towards the ocean. Everything was a blur, and the only things she could see where colors and shapes. Then, a huge bang went off in her section of the plane, and everything went black.



That's the only thing Caramel could make out.

It was dark, and it was cold.

And she was terrified.

But then, she saw a faint light, coming out of a crack in the ceiling of the darkness. It wasn't much, but it seemed to chase the rest of the darkness away. Just then, she realized that she had come to. The ceiling of darkness was a piece of the plane, and the light was the sun shining through a hole. Not a single soul was around her. Caramel had survived the crash, but alone.

She tried to get up, but her leg was stiffened straight. It wasn't broken, but the impact had put it in shock. She couldn't move it, or bend it. It was totally immobile. 

Once she found out her leg was out of use, she started to panic. If no one else was here, no one would be able to help her. She would end up dying alone, completely trapped. 

"Oh my Notch...OH my Notch, no!" she yelped. "Help! Someone! Anyone! Help me! Help me, please!" No reply.

Caramel started to tremble. She didn't want to die. Not now, not like this. Using all her strength, she tried to even twitch her leg. Nothing. Her eyes filled with tears of fright. Was this truly the end?

"Hey, hey you! Look behind you!"

"Oh, hello, friend! :D Nice to see you!"

"No, NO, your supplies! LOOK!"

"Huh? Oh, poo, they floated off. Oh, well :P"


Caramel strained her ears. Voices? Was she dead already? "H-Hello?" she called out.

"Wait, shhhh! Did you hear that?"

"Huh? Hear what?"

"I think I heard a person! Someone's still down in the plane!"

Yes! They had heard her! She was saved! "Hey! I'm down here!" she cried out. "My leg--I can't move!" 

From atop the plane wreckage, she saw two faces peer down at her. One face had brown hair, black eyes, and wore an orange t-shirt with a black coat. The other had black hair, blue eyes, and wore a blue t-shirt with the same black coat as the first. 

As soon as she saw them, a feeling of uncertainty and distrust washed over her. The plane was unstable. One wrong move, and the whole thing could come crashing down on them. She suddenly started to have doubts.

"Just hang on! We'll get you out!" said the one in blue. 

"Whoa, whoa!" the orange one stopped him. "This plane structure's unstable as it is. If we try to fetch her, it'll crush all of us! I'm sorry, but I think she's screwed." Clearly, this boy shared Caramel's concerns about the stability of the plane.

However, as if he had heard none of it, the boy in blue took a frayed wire from off to the side and jumped down to her. "Hey, are you STUPID?!" the one in orange hissed. "Get back up here!" Almost as soon as he said it, the structure gave out a loud groan, and shook a little. Caramel was frozen stiff with fright. 

"Here. Sit up--slowly--and take my hand," said the blue boy, offering his hand to her. "I'll give us a boost, and we'll swing out."

Caramel wasn't sure if it would work like that. However...a feeling aside from her common sense was urging her to take the chance. She slowly pulled herself up, but every time the plane structure made a scraping creak, she froze in place. A few minutes later, her hand was just inches away from the boy's.

"Just...a little...more..." she strained, trying to grasp his hand while keeping an eye on the roof. Suddenly, it gave a loud crunch that made her panic and jump into the boy's arms at once. As if he had expected it, he looped an arm around her waist and held her tight. 

"Got ya!" he cheered. "Now, let's goooooooooooooooooo!" He pushed off the ground, and as the ceiling crumpled inward, the metal bit that the wire was connected to fell back, pulling Caramel and her rescuer up out of the collapsing remains of the plane. All three made a dive off of the hunk of metal as it caved in altogether.

Caramel's eyes were shut tight the entire time. But once the dust cleared, she found the courage to open them, only to find she was stomach-up on the sand, with the boy who had saved her pressed atop of her. 

"Hi, there," he said with a wink, which immediately made her flush a pure red.

"Did he forget we nearly just DIED?!" she thought with alarm.

"Alright, ALRIGHT, break it up, you two!" the orange one said, pushing the blue one off of Caramel. "Sorry about that. You okay?"

"F-Fine," Caramel managed to stammer. "Thank you."

"No problem," replied the orange boy. "I, er...hope there are no hard feelings for assuming you wouldn't make it," he added awkwardly. "Didn't want to risk it."

"No, I understand," Caramel assured him. "I'm Caramel Charlatte."

"Pixel Awesome," said the boy in orange. "And the idiot who saved you, by some miracle of Notch, is Pixel Znimation."

"Pleasure to meet you, Miss Caramel," Z said, taking her hand and giving it a kiss. 

"Quite formal, recalling how crazy he was acting when he rescued me," Caramel thought to herself. "Well...what do we do now?"

"I suggest we find something soft and bed down for the night," Awesome suggested. "Indiana Jones over here lost a full chest of useful stuff, so we've got nothing better to do. Looks like we're going to be stuck here together for a while."

Caramel cast a side glance at Z when he said that. "I don't know whether that's a good thing or a bad thing."

SURPRISE! I was SO inspired by the new animation BPS released, I decided to make a Caramel-insert to juice up the adventure! This is based off of an RP me and Z did together shortly after the release of this animation, and YES, this is EXACTLY what happened in it. I added NOTHING, and this is all purely OUR COMBINED effort, and NOT me alone! Okay? Thank you and enjoy!

All That I See: A BPS Survival Island FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now