Chapter 5: Eye of the Storm

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The next morning, Caramel woke up to a cloudy day and a small fire. Awesome and Z were there, and it looked like they were packing up the camp. "Hey, what's going on?" she asked.

"We're migrating to the mountains for the winter," Awesome answered. "The snow patches on the ground have been worrying me, so I think it's best we head up where we'll be closest to the sun. Caramel nodded, but inside she was cringing. A day and a half of walking uphill didn't sound fun. 

"And we better get going," Awesome added, looking up at the sky. "Storm's rolling in." That made Caramel freeze. A thunderstorm? She hated thunderstorms. They were just so violent and the thunderclaps were unexpected, she felt as if her life was at risk every time a thunderstorm rolled around. 

"Once we get to the base, we'll split up," Awesome said, pointing to the mountain. "I'll hike on the left side, which is the higher but shorter end, and reach the top first, to make sure there's not predators. You guys go up the right side. You won't get to the top till next morning, but there's a cave you can take shelter in halfway up."

"So we won't get there till tomorrow," Caramel huffed. "Thanks, Awesome. Now I have to spend the night listening to THUNDER and LIGHTNING."


The day seemed to pass too fast for Caramel. By the time night fell, the storm would break. She and Z had already said goodbye to Awesome in the afternoon at the base of the mountain, and now they were on their way up to the cave for the night. The climb was silent and awkward. But, finally, they did reach the cave. Just in time, too, for the raindrops started to drizzle down. 

It was when they got the fire going was when the storm really started to roar. Lightning flashed and thunder crashed, and the wind blew like never before. Caramel tried to ignore it, but the sound of a tree falling broke her concentration. 

"Okay...this is fine, I am fine, it's just a little rain..." she tried to tell herself. "Nothing too bad, just--" A loud thunderclap interrupted her pep talk. "Ah-agh!" She burrowed her face in her knees, trembling. It was more than enough reaction for Z to notice.

"You're afraid of thunder?" he asked. 

"N-No, it just makes me jumpy," Caramel lied. "Comes at random times, and makes a really loud noise Anyone would be, right?" Another loud slap of thunder made her retreat to her knees again. Z gave her a look that signaled to her he knew she was lying, so Caramel confessed. "U-Um...t-the Ninja Twins usually sat and held me during a storm, and I felt fine, but...this is--"

Another thunderclap sounded, and a gust blew out their fire, leaving them in total darkness. Caramel's fear jumped from a 9 to a 10 at once. ""

More thunder sounded, and the lightning suddenly illuminating the cave made it worse. Caramel, now absolutely terrified, curled up into a little ball, shaking like a leaf in the storm's wind.  "I don't like this," she thought, starting to tear up. "I can't see..." Another thunderclap sounded, and she just wished for it to be over.

At that moment, she felt a pair of strong, steady arms wrap around her in the darkness. "Shh... it's gonna be alright," she heard Z whisper. He must've been close to her ear, because she would've never heard him over the wind and rain. Normally, Caramel would've blushed, but now, she was too frightened by the storm to even do that. 

"H-Huh? Z? Is that you?" she asked in a shaky voice. Yet another thunderclap sounded, making her wince.

"Mhm yes it is," he replied, holding her tighter. "Just sleep on me tonight."

Even in her fear, Caramel wasn't sure about the offer. "Uh, are you sure? I don't want you to feel uncomfortable..."

"I'm feeling good here, don't worry~"

"Ugh, he's using that flirty tone again!"  Caramel thought with annoyance. "No, really, I think--" Just then, the loudest clap of thunder the storm had to give sounded, shattering Caramel's last shred of bravery and making her burrow her face in Z's chest. "Okay! Okay, okay, okay, I'll sleep next to you! J-Just until the storm stops..."

"That's more like it~" Z said, turning her head so that her ear faced his chest. "Just rest now."

Forcing herself to relax, Caramel allowed her head to rest on Z's chest. As she did, she felt a repetitive thud throb against her head. Leaning her head closer ever so slightly, she heard Z's heartbeat, which was comforting and satisfying to listen to.

"I can't hear the thunder anymore. There's only this's's...all...fine..." 

The strong pulsing was able to lull Caramel to sleep, and her breathing slowed to a normal pace. Another thunderclap sounded, but she didn't react. Z had successfully calmed her. He brushed a strand of hair out of her small face, smiling.

"Rest, my Princess. I'll see you in the morning~"

Awwwwwwwwwww, isn't this adorable? <:3 I hope you liked the EXTRA cuteness of this scene, because I'll need to get a diabetic shot soon! XD (Why do I keep making med jokes?)

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