"Princess, I understand this is hard to hear, but your bedtime stories of galaxies far away are most definitely true." The elder of the two women says, she sets a small lockbox on the table, "I can show you holo images of Coruscant." The women's shaky hands pull out an old holo unit, setting it on the table but the girl refuses to even look at them. She crosses her arms defiantly over her chest and turns her nose up at the group, Ren could tell she was fed up.

"Insane you're all insane." She grabs her coat and bag, "Look I have to write an apology letter to my psych professor and beg to retake the exam I missed Friday thanks to General Spaceman Sam here so, yeah I think I'm done for this brunch." Ren moves so he is concealed behind around the corner of the house. The girl doesn't stop as she flees the house as the remaining people call after her.

"(Y/n) you come back here right now!" The elderly woman demands the girl returns as she stands in the doorway but her pleas fall on deaf ears as the girl slams the gate behind her, storming off to the left while ignoring every word being flung at her from the front porch.

"Sorry, Miss Sue but I have enough to deal with right now, I really can't be part of whatever the hell you guys are talking about."

"We are talking about the future of the galaxy. We are talking about restoring your birthright, you are the last living descendant of the Emperor. You are destined to rule." Hux shouts as he runs out the front door after her, he looks desperate but Kylo can't help but to laugh.

"Rule, you want me to rule a galaxy." The girl starts laughing as she stops in the middle of the sidewalk. "Insane, well I didn't think we could top last weeks 'you should have a child' brunch but congratulations, I think you just did." With that, she walked away, leaving everyone staring after her from front door of the house. Kylo finds it comedical that the entire debacle had drawn the attention of their neighbors as well, he moved further down the side of the house as to not be seen by anyone.

"Well, that could have gone better." A younger female said giving the elders shoulder a squeeze.

"Perhaps I should speak with her," Hux was now making his way down the walkway, pulling on the sleeves of his coat giving off the air of authority.

"Oh, General I think you may want to give her some time. You and mother just asked her to believe that the Star Wars movies are all based on the true events."

"Star Wars?" Hux looks at her with an eyebrow raised, Kylo had never heard of such a thing before either.

"Oh yes, one of the imperial guards once abandoned his post and made a fortune selling our history as entertainment here." The woman explains, a sad look of defeat setting on her face while she cast her eyes down to the walkway.

"She has never seen that trash. The Empress forbid it in her home." Cora shakes her head, "Oh mom, of course she seen it!" Cora she cuts in, offering her elderly mother a disrespectful eye roll. "I think she's dressing up as Princess Leia for Halloween this year." The old lady hand goes to her chest and look of outrage on splatters across her face, which likely matched Ren's own shocked look at the mention of his mother's name.

"Stars in heaven, dressing up as that Princess Rebel! If her Eminence wasn't already died this would have killed her!" The older woman shouts while a crazed look of anger flashes across her face. Cora recognizes her unrest and takes her mother by the elbow, urging her to come back into the house while Hux turns and begins walking toward the gate that separates the home from the street. As she is being pulled, the old woman holds her arm out to Hux one last time, calling out to him and causing him to stop halfway through the yard.

"General wait a moment, I will give you some more money." She shouts after him, reaching into the small pocket of her dress. "I think you're going to have to stay a bit longer than you hoped." Cora return shortly has Hux paced impatiently on their path, his look of frustration growing every passing second he is not walking out of the gate.

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