Chapter 20

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Okay I just wanted to say that at this point, Chandler was with Ryan for two weeks before William came. Obviously the things I wrote that happened to Chandler wasn't the extent of everything that happened but I didn't feel like writing all that. Lol I suck at this.

TRIGGER WARNING (Idk what yet but you know there has to be one with me aha)
Also mature jokes.

Chandler's POV
I woke up in some sort of hospital. I look over to see Andy sitting in the chair next to the hospital bed, holding my hand.

"A-Andy?" I say in a hoarse, raspy voice. "Hey, Chandler. How you feeling?" He asks me.

"Like I just got ran over by a bus. What happened?" I asked.

"What all do you remember?" He questioned. I have to think about it. I remember my dad coming and beating up Keith. I remember Andy getting me out of that storage closet. But that's it.

"The last thing I remember is you getting me out of the storage closet." I told him.

"Oh. Okay, well Keith tried to kill you. And then the cop shot him and as Keith fell to the ground the uh, gun went off and shot you in the leg." He explained.

"Oh. So he's...dead?" I asked. "Yep. And the others are going to prison for a while. Except for your dad. He has the same sentence since he helped find you." Andy answered. (Lying about Keith being dead but it's fine)

"W-whats gonna happen to you?" I asked him worriedly. "I'm going on trial, I think they want you as a witness." He replied.

Andy's POV {a week later}
In two days, I have to prove that I'm innocent. But am I? I feel like I'm just as guilty as Ryan in a way. Chandler is the only reason I'm pleading not guilty.

Maybe when all of this is over I can get him out of that children's home. The same children's home I'm driving Chandler to now.

He's not 100% recovered just yet, but he can walk for the most part.

He has a limp, and falls down a good bit, but other than that he's doing pretty well.

When we get to the children's home, I help Chandler out of the car. "Can't I just stay with you?" He asks me.

"No Chandler, not yet. I'm sorry." I say. I feel terrible dumping him here, after everything he's been through.

I walk Chandler in and take him to his room.

"I'll come see you. Everyday I'm able to." I promise. "Thank you." He says. "No problem. I'll see you tomorrow." I say and give him a side hug.

Chandler's POV {later that night}
It's currently 3:00 am and I'm awake. I tried to go to sleep, but I kept having nightmares about Keith.

I know it's childish to have 'nightmares' but it's not really my choice. If I could choose, I'd be asleep since I have to get up for school in 3 hours.

But I can't sleep. Every time I close my eyes I'm scared someone's gonna do something. Like Ryan will break out of jail and come take me away again.

Like Keith is gonna somehow rise from the dead and come to "play a game." (kill me. This hurts to write.)

I hope Andy wins this case. He didn't do anything wrong, and he was trying to help me. He definitely doesn't deserve to go to jail! Ryan on the other hand, I hope he stays in prison for the rest of his sorry life.

I can't wait to see Laura, but I'm also worried. I don't want her to see me like this, I have cuts and bruises literally everywhere, I can barely walk and I have multiple insulting words carved into my skin.

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