Too Late!

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Del Monte hotel was one of the pride hotels in home town. It was their favorite spot since this is the place I first met Joy. I have been sitting here for nearly two hours where this old man asked to meet. Today will be different. I will not tolerate the attitude this family had towards me. I wasn't nervous of whether he will speak ill or insult me but again I had a few crystals of respect left for him. Was he coming with his wife? Of course yes,they approached the stairs as I was in the balcony biting my lips. The woman would not have stayed back at home while she had one job left for her, to utter nonesense to Vik. Anyway, I never cared. It was a stepping stone to freedom. Today they dressed in rugged artire maybe because it was not a formal meeting or maybe it was a show off now that they had all the money in the world. We shook hands each one trying to fake their smile and warm heart.

I was the first one to speak. Actually I didn't want them to control my lips. I told them I had moved out of town to hustle some job to sustain my parents. I didn't want to mention Lynn, I would have been too rude. My words shocked them as they had already other plans for me, they tabled an offer to send me to college and study now that it dawned to them I was a bright young man. I wanted to reach out and embrace their proposal but Lynn was silently speaking in my mind not to dare. It might be a trap to lure me into slavery. They were so happy today, very humble and even bought me lunch. This woman was extra happy, I think its because the plan she had for me had succeeded now that I rejected their offer. She was happy because they would keep their money back and do away with the mole in the hole. All that glitters ain't gold. And today I stood firm, not a single sweat dropped nor my veins buldged. I felt a sense of courage congratulating my big step. But I knew it wont be easy. The man took out his iphone, it was obvious he was calling his darling daughter. He put the phone on loudspeaker and the voice from the receiving end came by "Hello dad." That voice flashed back my memories for a second. I thought of changing my mind to love Joy again, but Lynn had won the game and I crowned her the title of being my wife. The man replied, "Hi Totoo, how is States we have missed you so much." Totoo is a word commonly used by parents as a sign of love to their kids to mean a small kid, that was his way of calling Joy. I didn't know if I was included among the people missing her. Joy hesitated to respond and this made me nervous, she quickly asked, "Is Vik there?" I replied without a second thought "Yes, am here with your parents." The formal introduction like any other phone call went on and on until the bomb was dropped, "Vik has refused our offer to take him back to school as you had requested, he is claiming to do some sort of nonesense job out of the town." Well I was not surprised by the mention of that ill fated name. It was mum's Joy way of pissing me off. But then her daughter slammed her, "Mum why are you so disrespectful to Vik! Has it come to that?" She was ashamed that Joy never tolerated her attitude as well. I quickly took out my phone, unblocked her knowing she would call any minute. There she did, hanged up her dad's call and my phone rang. I told her that I couldn't stand the severe hate her mum had on me. "Maybe they need a better guy than me" I responded with a slightly higher voice. I could hear Joy crying, "Nooo." She was in sombre mood. She wished she was here to show how much disappointed she was. But I didn't care. That was a bridge to safely cross over to Lynn. After a few minutes of heartbreaking talk, she hanged up and wrote her dad a message. "I am coming back." Well, well, well... No one expected that! Even the angels in heaven must be interested in what would happen next! I foreshadowed a drama. We were all in deep shock. For a moment, no one spoke. Its like a fart in the middle of a crowd that no one wants to admit. Even the customers sitted around us sensed that something was amiss. Personally, I prayed to God for the first time since I left home. Lynn had taught me a few words of hope and faith, today I had to put into practise. I knew Joy meant it and if she comes back, my goodness!

"Its all your fault." The couples now started engaging in silent arguments to avoid much attention. I was silent, I had no issue with them, my mind was busy calculating a million sums in a minute. What if Joy comes? What would happen to Lynn and the baby? My comfort was that Joy knew her mum had deep hatred towards me and that would be an excuse to formally quit the relationship even though I already did. They were now on top of their voices, each one with their own brand of ego. Maybe money was controlling them. No, maybe its the regret that is hitting them. I didn't want to come into family issues, the way they argued attracted much customers at the hotel as they came to separate them. I stood up woke away as if to give them privacy, but the way they chattered at each other made me quit silently. No one wanted to admit its their mistake that led to our break up with Joy. They felt guilty that Joy had to come back just because of a small young notorious boy from a village. I wish I was able to say what happened next but I was not brought up in a society where parents fought while you sat and watch. But I must congratulate this man who taught her wife some four, if not, five common senses. Again I thought,what if this was a scam to push me away so that I know I was the cause of all this. What if I went back to the hotel and found them with a bottle of champagne and ciroc celebrating my exit? Ah whatever! 

I got to my house, found Rick seated with Lynn talking as they prepared beans that he brought us. I almost jumped with a fist as to why he came to my house without my notice but I thanked him for becoming our savior. I told them how my day was, as wasteful as a hen. Rick had become the family bond, he even suggested that I join him in the bodaboda sector ( A motorcycle business). I had to do any type of job for survival now that Lynn had gone out during the day and found a hotel job. It was getting dark, Rick had to leave but we insisted on sharing a meal together as a sign of brotherhood. Little food served with love is sweet rather than delicacy meal with hatred. An hour later,we were in bed trying to embrace the 'marriage thing'. I could clearly re-read Joy's message in my mind. My attention was divided that night, even Lynn complained that I was not as sweet as everyday. She was always honest and she meant it. I felt guilty, but I promised her that 'morning glory' would be served hot! She was worried that I hid something from her, yes Joy was coming back but how should I tell her. Her condition is getting delicate and shocking her with negative news almost everday might not be a good idea. I decided to hide the last bit of our day discussion. The truth would be revealed one day. I should be ready! 

Joy is coming...

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