Drama Unfolds

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I was getting used to the bodaboda business. It had become the heart of my venture. Rick was my idol, my godfather whom I looked upto. He taught me how to ride, fuel, service and maintain a motorbike. I even upgraded its features just for customer attention. Two months had passed and it felt like yesterday. Time was really catching up. I had explored the city in and out. I was famously known as the 'big short' because of how I would ride a bigger motorbike than my small tiny body. Though Lynn was feeding me with enough meal, much love and long action in bed but my body resisted. Everyday income was enough for us. I could earn almost a thousand shillings a day. We would save more than we spent, my parents had even bought a television set as their son's pride was overtaking their worry. Dad would always mention my name every Sunday he stood at the altar to preach. His son was becoming a star proving our enemies wrong. On the other hand, Lynn was keeping up with the hotel job as a cashier, her weekly wage was hitting nine thousand shillings. She had won the hotel manager's trust. Though our baby was quickly showing up, that never prevented her from hustling for us. I often told her to relax at home since my income was enough but she was hesitant. She wanted to support her husband, her mother and our baby. I loved this girl, she always made me feel complete. Her hardwork paid off. Speaking of her mum, she opened up and told her she is carrying my baby. To my surprise, the mum congratulated her as she knew there was nothing she would do anymore once her daughter had chosen her path. I was yet to tell my parents, I knew the consequences so I had to play my cards well. We paid the remaining six months' rent and now we would live for the next eight months without a knock of the landlord. Weekends were meant for leisure, we would go to the park or visit the sick just to counsel and pray for them, that was Lynn not me. Other times we would go to maternal clinic, check on the baby and it emerged it would be a baby boy. It was not long enough before we would hold it.

All this while I never communicated with Joy. She knew as much reason as I did of the silence between us. One thing that bothered me was whether she had come back or it was just a prank to force us to act as she wanted. I knew none of her friends, I could not dare call her parents since I left without notifying them. But how was I to calm the storm? Even Peter tried to walk on water as Jesus did but he failed, how then could he have the courage to calm the storm. He was better off when he denied Him three times. But the guilt followed. That was me anyway, I was guilty that even though I hated them I exited without notice. Though I was sure Joy would not find me so easily but I was cautious about my family wellbeing. It was only a matter of time before drama unfolded. Nearly a month later, I went home with gifts for my parents now that we had been called upon for a family meeting. Being the last born, I had to impress as much as my elders. Evening hours after we had roasted beef with drinks and partied reminding ourselves of the past and the funny episodes, it was time for some serious talks. My eldest sister, Becky commenced by stating of how she had secured to work at one of the biggest insurance company in the city after a series of job applications. Then my elder sister, Nancy told us of the investment her husband and her made in a certain restaurant down town that would soon generate income and we would be well off soon.  Sam on other side had been training and was a month employed prior to what we had concluded about his lack of financial support. Then the last born's turn came, I was nervous. Though my parents were happy about my progress, they had no idea about Lynn. Today was the only chance to make them aware of my marital status and progress. I was glad we were all gathered and in a jovial mood and I hoped my breaking news would not tamper with the atmosphere. As I broke down the news, everyone was quiet. I told them of how I had secured a job, bought a motorbike with the help of Rick and was engaged to a beautiful girl. My parents almost jumped to amazement, "How did you get engaged to a different lady while Joy has been coming here for almost a month trying to trace you?" The mention of that name took me by deep shock! "Joy is around?" She must have come for me. Everyone was surprised after what I told them how things turned out sour since she left. I told them how our family was despised because we are from different dynasties. They even supported my decision. "I had to look for a better girl and settle down with her, earn our own money, support our parents with genuine money." I concluded with a deep breath. Though my sisters insisted I should clear the air and tell Joy, I told them Lynn was carrying my baby and I would not risk until our baby is born. Everyone was mouth wide open! Few seconds passed before my mum said that she told Joy where I stayed. I almost ran out to see if my wife was ok. 

All this happened because of me. I should have told them early enough to avoid the tension building up. I was not at peace. I immediately called Lynn several times but her phone went unanswered. I felt like crying. I then called Rick, who quickly picked up shouting "come back bro, please hurry up." Silent conversation went between us for afew seconds. I was terrified, tears running down my cheeks, everyone stood up in shock asking "What happened? Is Lynn ok? What happened! Vik talk!!" I couldn't hold it back, I made the loudest scream that woke up the neighbours. Why did it have to happen? After all the struggle I had been through? I couldn't imagine. It was like a dream. My story was the saddest so far. Was this the beginnig of my silent fate? Why me? Why?

We could not wait for the sun to rise. Everyone grabbed their warm jackets. No matter how far it was, we braved ourselves and matched on. Door closed, everyone with a torch in their hands, off we went...

The Silent FateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora