Decisions With Consequences

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It was Thursday,the lazy sun rose before I could hit the road to my usual duty. Today I was late,my body was getting weaker,maybe this distance was slowly crushig my energy. Though I had saved enough,I never wanted to be a spendthrift. The manhood role was knocking day by day,I didn't even realize I was growing some beards. I hardly got time for myself,I was pushing my efforts to the limit,I wanted to live a legacy that Joy would come back one day and see how far I have achieved. I stopped marking my calendar ever since the day Lynn dragged me to bed. But I was hopeful Joy would come soon before everything gets out of hand. But of course it had! After an hour the construction site came to view,I had never seen it as beautiful as it was from a distance,I clapped at the massive work my men and I were doing to make our city have as many skycrappers as this beautiful monster that was the talk of the town. Little did I know that I had taken long to walk than any other day,my colleagues were already on their job suits carrying on with the heavy work. My supervisor was perplexed by what had eventually happened to me. Today was dull,the sky was immense with the dark clouds almost covering the entire scorching sun. 

Thoughts ran through my mind of what would become of me now that this is a temporary job, my family has been proud of me for weeks now. Sam was long gone,he would never share a penny out of his pocket. Sometimes we would be in deep debt and yet he cared less than we expected. We were the only hope at home right now,my two elder sisters could not afford to feed us as well as their families and kids. Its been two years since they were married and they are struggling as much as we do. The ladder of life in which our family is inclined to climb seems a bit steep. We ought to pull up together and reach the top end. But with me alone working tirelessly to make ends meet,it might not be achievable. My relationship is on my shoulder while my parents are on the other end. I cannot talk to my siblings since it is a taboo in our clan to control your elders. My heart would cry silently of what the future holds. Seemingly,I would manage myself afew months when my role is done here,but what will happen thereafter? My darling dad used to remind me of a famous Bible verse that states "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all others shall follow." Looking at my miserable life,I could not comprehend whether the angels were happy about my deeds now that I have broken trust in a relationship, I have fornicated and am leading a life full of riddles and blurred future.

All this time,I have been deep in thoughts. My ever angry supervisor called me and I couldn't listen due to the usual noise of the concrete mixers and uncontrollable colleagues chants as a way of work motivation. I didn't know I stirred a lion out of a sleeping cat. Lunch break came and today was not the everyday laughter as we enjoyed our obvious menu served by our 'mum' and my beautiful lady. It all seemed odd to me that everyone laughed as soon as she served me the meal. I felt embarrassed and laughed nervously with my face almost dipped to ground. Why was everyone laughing? Had the pot broken and spilled water? The meal tasted bitter,Lynn never spoke to me,everyone was looking at me suspiciously as if I had descended down the moon with stars in my pocket. I hated that feeling,that look and the loud silence that engulfed the rest of the day. Evening came and I was surprised to see Lynn back. She had never come back,her mum would not allow her,she never even had the courage to stand alone infront of all these masculine men,but today she did. I knew without a doubt that she wanted to talk to me. The beautiful smile was slowly fading away,I didn't even realize she wore no make up nor chain. She stood arms a kimbo ready to spit out her heart. But before I could go see her,I was summoned with a letter from my employer. My job had come to an end,reason being I came late to work and never complied when supervisor called me. That was one of the stupid excuses to kick me out. The dark world unfolded! Why was everyone so inhuman? Does a one day fault bury the everyday good deeds? Was there any strings attached or is this a conspiracy to lure me into blame for anything that ever went wrong? More questions than answers colonised my brain with no sign of retrival. But who cared anyway, the opportunity made me meet Lynn. Now I know what the lunchtime laughter meant. My weekly wage accompanied my first ever official letter,but that never changed the fact that today was not going to be the same at home. Before I could swallow the bitter pill, there came Lynn. "Hi Vik." Her tone was shaky,her eyes were burning red and she was nervous. She held my hand,squeezed it with alot of concern. Her eyes could not hold on to the tears, I tried to avoid eyebrows from the workers but they could still eavesdrop every single moment we had! I was fired and the world with Lynn was a different version of the story. I hugged my love,tears rolling down my cheeks as well. No one had a mutual feeling than we did. We knew things would change,the world would laugh but at the end fate would triumph. It didn't take long before she excused herself,wiped her tears then broke the news to me. "I know you are going through a difficult situation right now but I ought to tell you something important." I was now eager than ever before. She continued "You are going to be a father." I laughed bitterly. It was the most honest thing anyone could ever tell me. I laughed at how the world would choose me out of a million to undergo such humiliation and hardship. Why was I downgraded by small faults,small mistakes that I could not account for. It took some time before I looked straight into Lynn's eyes. She was there with a weak smile but my eyes were now hit with reality and the stab was too strong to sustain my manhood. It all seemed dark,I had to carry my cross for self crucifixion. I never replied to that statement even though she was thirsty of my opinion,I kept my instincts intact. All the same I didn't want to dissapoint her,I requested if we could meet the next day and talk it out. She submitted without hesitation. We  kissed each other goodbye and parted ways before the heavy rain fell.

 My journey back home would be a long one,the rift between Joy and I was now clear. Just afew hours ago I was happy about my beards and here I am a father already before the day ends. My fate was really rushing beyond my control. I imagined myself a breadwinner back at home but another responsibility just sprouted and I had to abide by it. I could earn in a week as much as my dad would do in a month. But today,oh no! Today Vik is coming home with tears. Tears of disbelief,tears of regrets that can never be rubbed off so easily. The rain poured by with anger. I could feel the drops were a punishment to my sin. Hailstones descended with no mercy,I continued walking my clothes wet,my eyes could barely see what was ahead of me. I cried,I was lonely in the rain with no one to hold on to. My heart was heavy with tears,the rain continued pouring with thunder rumbling as if the angels were shouting at me. The letter in my hand was now wet,I didn't even realise that I threw it away with my wage inside the envelope. The road was getting wet,muddy and slippery. It was the beginning of the hardest path in my life. A path I chose without consultation. For a moment I missed Joe. We had never talked for a long time because of my ego to rush things my way even though he was always of wise advice. My journey continued, there was no need to wipe away my tears,rain would do that for me. The next half a mile wont make a difference even if I find a shelter. Maybe this was a cleansing ceremony to my sins,I had no escape. Lightning took a snap of my weak body,maybe I was preserved for the next episode of life. I could hardly feel cold nor bothered by my current worse situation. People would warn me of heavy rain but I had experienced it for two miles now. That's the problem with most humans. They let you fall into a hole then throw a whole rope inside expecting you to come out without any support at the other end. Very useless! I cared no more,I strolled a few yards before arriving home. The fierce rain had reduced its anger on me and was now massaging me with soft tender droplets as I made entry to my room.

Mum had just finished fetching rain water and was standing at the verandah wondering what had come upon me now that I was wet and shaky as I walked slowly past her without a word. I knew not a word would explain why I chose to be rained on. The day was aweful nothing to smile about. "Let it be" I thought, "I am ready to face whatever comes about." As the day ended, I sat down with my parents and told them I was fired at work. I hate to see my mum's tears hence I didn't want to drag Lynn into this now that they only know Joy. They congratulated my efforts, they were happy that at least half of my earning was spent on daily meals and upkeep. What would follow was a hidden mistery. 

I laid down to my thin bed, covered with two mattresses and heavy blankets, now that Sam was not around. My phone rang, I was reluctant to pick it up, Lynn must really be worried about me. I picked it with a tired and sleepy tone. "Hello its Joy..."

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