Crystal Returns

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"Mum," yelled Kerb, kneeling by her side, taking her head in his lap.
"What the hell," Valent cussed, glaring at Thalia. "Who the hell is Crystal?"
"I've no idea," she frowned. "My name's Thalia of Bryn Mawr, Earth."
"S-she looks like Crystal," muttered Ravan as her eyes flickered open and she sat up.
"Let's get you off the floor and sitting at the table. I'll make you a drink."
"Stop fussing, son. See to your guest." she stood, looking Thalia up and down. "You mentioned you are from Bryn Mawr, Earth. I'm not sure how that can be," she sat on a chair, her fingers tapping on the wooden table. "Earth doesn't exist anymore."
"Kerb mentioned that fact, however, it was very much in existence when I left." Thalia sat across from the woman watching her carefully. "I don't know who you are, however, your home is a replica of the one I grew up in, even the furnishing look the same."
Kerb placed a hot drink in front of the women, Valent glared.
"What about me dinner?"
"You can wait," Ravan snapped looking back at Thalia. "I'm Ravan, my line goes back to Bryn Mawr. My ancestor was Fae, or so I'm told. Her husband was a twin. They had a large family and were left in charge of Bryn Mawr and the quest for survival. Crystal used to..."
Crystal shimmered into view.
"I used to bring people together," she whispered. "Now it is time again though the fae will guide you, Thalia and Kerb." 
Crystal disappeared leaving Valent and Kerb gaping at the space she had stood.
"What is she on about?" said Thalia.
"Surely you know your heritage?"
"I've heard stories about the siblings," she shrugged. "They were just stories, nobody believes them."
"What stories," said Kerb. "What is this Bryn Mawr...well other than the name of my home."
"It seems I've a lot of work to do," Ravan finished her hot drink. "Where..."
"She was in a..."
"My spaceship is badly damaged, I monitored your planet to see if i could breathe here. It was the planet most like Earth. My pod crashed into the ground about a mile from here. Kerb found me."
"It was meant to be," Ravan smiled. "Come, you must be tired, I'll show you to a room."
"What about my dinner," Valent stamped his foot. "I've worked hard all day..."
"It's in the oven. Help yourself." The ladies left the kitchen arm in arm chatting leaving the men staring after them.
"An alien lands on our planet and i get put in second place," Valent grumbled. "Whatever next?"
"The Quest," laughed Kerb opening the oven and taking out the casserole."
"You don't believe that rubbish, do you?"
"You saw Crystal the same as we did."
"An alien with better technology can do anything..." he sat down and began to eat.
"I suppose we'll see," Kerb replied.

Ravan pushed open a bedroom door, Thalia gasped as she stepped over the threshold, her body shaking as she put out her hand touching furniture and toys, looking at the fabrics and photos on the wall. Tears glided over her cheeks, Ravan took her into her arms, rubbing Thalia's back as her body shuddered.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing," she whispered. "Everything is the same. It's as I left it when i joined the space academy. This is my old room. The image of my room." She sat down on the edge of the bed. "I don't understand..." she looked up at Ravan her eyes imploring and wet with tears.
"Tis the magic of Bryn Mawr."
"Fawn hudol. Beth oedd ei enw, " she whispered, knowing Ravan would understand.
"Cerys, ei gŵr oedd Huw ... un o'r efeilliaid. "
"I wonder what ..."
"Shower and change, there are clothes in the press. You can sleep or come back to the kitchen for some food."
"Thank you, Ravan."
Ravan smiled and left Thalia to her thoughts, making her way back to the kitchen to eat with her men. Halfway down the stairs, she saw Cerys, nodding she continued down wondering what would happen next.

Love in Space - A Bryn Mawr StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora