°Pt. 3✥

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🎐 Blue Blood

Chapter Three

Yoongi, who now preferred the name Suga due to Namjoon's little speech, followed his mentor like a shadow.
RM's light steps never did once shatter the lurking silence apparent in the hallway for he was trained as such, even in a grave situation like this. Yoongi on the other hand couldn't be bothered to.
As motionless as the pale boy was in RM's hands, Yoongi knew how dire their circumstances were. If something were to happen to V such as another attack, catastrophe would appear for an evening of tea and biscuits, but instead of tea they would have to serve blood.
the sheer force of Taehyung's attack could inflict horrendous casualties in a 3 meter radius and even v himself would be wounded leaving Yoongi as the only one who could withstand such an attack.
the blue and gold spiraling staircase was a sight to behold, so much so that Yoongi was sure V would later on whine about missing it. Though he might be able to witness it personally later when the nurses tend to him and let him back downstairs.
as Suga followed RM diligently he could smell the pure blue bloods from outside their rooms, each door they passed the pure blood scent got fainter and was instead replaced by green and impure blue bloods showing a reduction In ranks.
and then, there it was.
A scent Yoongi had never experienced before. He could sense a faint similarity between this scent and the scent of white blooded teachers and tutors who visited the basement to change their sheets and such yet there was a underlying scent of the purest blue blood Yoongi had ever witnessed leaving the boy confused and conflicted.
A memory flickered through his foggy mind. The scent of Pure blue blood tears, grief and misery and tremendous physical anguish...
The creaking of an old wooden door threw Yoongi's train of thoughts down a bottomless pit. Namjoon's steps came to a soft halt as Yoongi's thoughts froze at the sight in front of him.
White bloods were known for their delicate and breathtakingly lethal beauty after losing their purity and blue blood and this exquisite creature in front of Yoongi was a prime example of that. Similar to an ominous flower waiting upon its pray to seduce it with its menacing allure.
The white blood seemed fully prepared to castigate whomever dared to disturb his peace and silence but the bizarre mix of people in front of him made him abide for a moment.
he glanced at Namjoon and the boy in his arms and rage flared in those deep brown orbs.
"What on earth do you think you are doing bring two black bloods upstairs?? Do you have any idea what could befall you and these boys if you were found out?"
"Call upon Hoseok," Namjoon's stern tone did not change.
"Hoseok?? It is the far late into the nigh- "
"Jin the boy is not well. Wake Hoseok."
Barely anything fazed Yoongi anymore but the sight in front of him was one to behold. How could Namjoon dare speak against a white blood like that? This was not going to end well. That white blood would make sure Namjoon couldn't get away with such rash actions and at the exact moment Yoongi expected this conflict to peak the white blood stepped away from the door allowing it to close and moving towards another door to handle the task Namjoon had given him.
As V was placed on the infirmary bed a healer approached walking behind the white blood. The healer appeared drowsy yet his grim steps showed well alert and well prepared he was to handle the situation. Yoongi had seen many amateur healers attempt to heal or help a black blood attack but this healer seemed quite different. Hope was not an emotion a black blood was able to feel yet deep within Yoongi's empty shell of a heart he wished they would finally find a way to fully cure v.
"when was his last attack?" healer Hoseok tilted V's head analyzing his eyes. Hoseok sliced through the silence once again
"WHEN was your friend's last attack and why was he not brought up sooner?" Hoseok repeated his question aiming at the second young black blood present in the room this time
hearing the word friend acquainted with v was odd for Suga. Sure, they were raised together and had spent a lot of time around one another but never had they labeled their each other as such.
" 5 days ago, we tried to contact tutor Namjoon but received no answer back, so we assumed it must be a part of our training and didn't bother informing the care givers." Yoongi replied quickly.
Hoseok swallowed a heavy breath looking at his medicine bottles searching for something.

"Why? Why must you agonize them to an extent where they believe being abandoned and forsaken at their weakest moments is "training". What monstrosity are you breeding!" Hoseok exclaimed.

"Hoseok, be very careful of your words." SeokJin warned calmly, his gaze landing on Suga as in: do not bad mouth the academy in front of a student. Jin's glance then landed on Namjoon delivering a proud bone chilling glare.
Suga was trying to figure out the relationship between the pair when he heard a pop come from a bottle and he looked back at Hoseok holding a certain bottle.
undoubtedly, the bottle contained none other than a blue blood's tear. Such exquisite scent, the ability to heal all, there was no doubt!
Suga's focus came back when RM gently held his wrist, making him realize how he had approached v's bed bringing himself closer to the bottle.

"I will inform you of his wellbeing later, it is time you return to your room." Namjoon, who's brain seemed to be working dismissed the boy.
but Yoongi could barely contain himself. To black bloods, a blue bloods tear was like magic drops, pure and rare, addictive almost.
a blue blood's tear, an element that was rare yet normal to others had the ability to heal any wound on a black blood.
even though blue bloods were incapable of rendering emotions and therefor barely ever wept, such small moments of fragility were met with gratitude.
Jin followed RM and Suga who were now exiting the room.
"you are aware that I will have to report this, correct? Bringing two black bloods upstairs unauthorized."
Jin stated standing straight.
"yes, but that boy could have had another attack at any moment and as you can see right now, he is unconscious, not even being able to inform his healer of his condition. That left with no choice but two bring the other to for explaining." RM seemed quite calm

"Well, a report must be filed" the white blood who was deemed as jin said through gritted teeth.

" And I wouldn't mind accompanying you to your bedroom for assistance," RM walked on saying calmly.

As curious as Yoongi was to why RM stood so close, he decided against it and went to wait outside for his tutor.
remembering the fact that he had to return to his own room drained him of all curiosity. He approached the balcony, viewing the fire garden. He gazed at the golden apples shimmering in the garden. He didn't want to return...

Especially now that v wasn't there. Had RM declared v as Yoongi's friend?
friend huh? Were they friends? Yoongi didn't have a clear vision of what friend meant. He just knew it was a positive word used to describe the relationship between two people.

Yoongi had been sent to the academy sooner than other's who had been sent at 13. He had had his first attack when he was 9, there for he had no were to stay after that. after being moved to the academy at night time through the fire garden, he was then taken under ground and he met a boy who was 2 years younger than him and very similar to him.
they had experienced a lot together, especially in the beginning where they weren't exactly in control of their power surges and attacks. They had tried to be aware and careful of one another. You could even announce it as a form of protectiveness.
although when Suga reached 15, his attacks stopped while V's kept getting worse and worse, weakening him and rendering him lifeless. It seemed his powers couldn't find a stable way out of his body and had settled on melting him from the inside.

Suga kicked the fences on the balcony, feeling raged. There was an odd sense of worry lurking within him. One he hadn't experienced before.

it was true that black bloods were accustomed to feelings such as rage and bitterness, however those emotions laced with something null like this made Suga feel quite uneasy.
Suga wanted to return to his room as fast as possible and empty this rage productively however his glance was stolen at quite the holly sight.

a young pure blue blood peaking at the hallway through the small opening of his room.

" A junior first year?" Suga asked himself.

But no. the scent was far more familiar. This was the person who's tears Yoongi had smelled countless of times during the past year. The boy whose fingers were barely visible from his sweater's sleeves.

A True pure blue blood.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2021 ⏰

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