My beginning

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Bella's P.O.V

I just got off the phone with my 2 best friends Paige and Carlos when i realized that i finally arrived in my destination Forks,Washington. I decided to come her after my friends told me that they heard there was another set of vampires around here who drank animal blood. I didn't believe it at first until i met Charlotte and Peter. We ran into them when i escaped the bloody vampire war going on in the South. I looked very familiar to them and apparently Peter knew things like he knew when they would happen and how. He was gifted like his beautiful wife Charlotte. She could see peoples bonds which was actually very interesting since i found out that way that Paige and Carlos weren't mates but siblings. I remember everything from that day it was a good one since we finally escaped from our Master Kane (i made him up) He was cruel and terrible some say he was just as awful as Mistress Maria in the South but that she was much kinder.


I was watching the group of teenagers fighting each other and looked to see if there 1 month year strength was up. I saw a boy with dirty blonde hair getting knocked to the ground hard. I sighed he wasn't going to be with us very long since Master doesn't allow weak ones to stay alive. Just as the other boy i think his name was Mason was about to finish him i yelled "Enough!" and everyone immediately got in line for me. I didn't mind being feared for the beginning of my vampire life but now i hated it. I was the feared Major Izzy the most toughest vampire out there in the world. When i found out i was a Major the Master took a liking to me and appointed me the highest rank but that made a lot of other female fighters mad and as a result some got beheaded of course i had a punishment for that and it hurt terribly.

"Isabella!" yelled a blonde female running to me fast. I gave her a stern look but she ignored it and came running to me giving me a hug. The other vampires in line started whispering things like how i was going soft and at hearing that Izzy came out.

"So you all think i'm going soft huh?" she asked as the vampires all looked fearful. "Yes" someone sneered. I turned to the sound and saw the boy Mason he looked unfearful off me and that didn't please Izzy at all. "Well then u there come up front and fight me!" she yelled. He didn't flinch but looked back at the others smirking and walked right up front "Ready  Major Izzy to get ur butt kicked?" he remarked smugly "We'll see about that" i growled. Less then 2 minutes he was on the ground with a missing arm and leg begging me to stop. The others shuddered in fear and i realized that Master had joined us. "Izzy my dear let him go he has a gift i need" he said coming up to me. I growled and then Izzy went back inside her cage seeing that her opponent was gone.

"Everyone clear out!" he yelled dismissing my class. As soon as they were out of earshot he grabbed me by the neck and tossed me to the ground. "Ugh Stop Kane!" i growled "What was that?" he yelled in my ear grabbing me by the throat again. "Master Kane please stop I'll do anything for u and u know that" i said through my teeth knowing that what he wanted was my virginity. "Mmm Isabella u know what i want yet u fight me about it" he said kissing my neck now. "I will give it to u i promise as long as u stop with this punishment when i go into a fight with someone in here" i said as i held back a growl. "Hm i can't promise that dear for u know Maria is getting closer to us" he said as he placed his hands on my waist. I did the only thing that i could think of and grabbed his head down towards me and let out a small moan in his ear. That seemed to do the trick because his eyes turned black and he  let out a breathe "Fine my sweet but first u need to hunt and then dispose of that weak boy for me" He said looking at me in my eyes. "Fine i'll do it for u mi amor" i said knowing that i could feel his emotions "Mmm thank u mi amor" he said and then walked off leaving me breathless.

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