Who did he think he was, telling me who was good for me and who wasn't? At least Harry wasn't following me everywhere hoping to get a second date with me even though our first one sucked. It was as if, since day one, Aiden had discovered how unsure I was about everything that regarded Harry, and had been using it against me to get me to stay away from him. That was kind of messed up, and completely uncalled for, given that we weren't even friends.

Harry raised his eyebrows, the corners of his lips turning up in a little sarcastic smile. "Oh really? And what are you basing this supposition on exactly?" He asked him in a tone that I was quite sure would've driven him insane. Considering the winning look hidden in his mint green irises as he stared at the boy in front of him, I was quite sure he knew it as well.

"You fucked my brother and then left him!" Aiden shouted, an outrageously shocked look on his face, and I furrowed my eyebrows, looking up at Harry, almost missing the completely unimpressed looks on the faces of the people who had stopped to look at what was going on.

The little smile on the dark haired boy's lips stayed at his words, showing how completely unaffected he was by Aiden's big revelation. "What, are you pissed because your brother got laid before you or because you wanted me to fuck you too?" He said sharply, making my mouth fall open at his words.

A little shocked chuckle left my throat and I looked down, faking a small cough to hopefully cover it up. I looked up again just in time to see the glare Aiden sent to the both of us, immediately feeling bad for having found Harry's words funny.

"Sorry, I don't do charity" Harry continued sarcastically, not giving him time to reply. "Let's go, Sierra. I'm driving you home" he said, keeping his gaze on the blonde as we surpassed him, his arm still around my waist, and walked towards the car park.

We stayed in silence while we made our way to his car. He unlocked it when we were a couple of steps from it, walking in front of it to get to the driver's side when we reached it.

I grasped the handle on the passenger's side's door, opening it and sitting on the seat as he did the same, lowering my bag between my legs. "I can't believe you really said that" I said as soon as he closed the door. "Aiden will have your head" I added lowly the second comment, that was meant to be kept to myself rather than shared.

"I'd like to see him try" Harry replied as he inserted the key in the ignition, catching me by surprise. I looked at the way his fingers played with the black keychain as he seemed to be thinking about something. "I know you're wondering about what he said" he told me all of sudden. "It was one night stand. Not my fault if he didn't know how they work."

I gave him a slight nod. I wasn't really wondering about the people he'd been with in the past, but I also knew that I would've eventually overthought about it at some point.

It was in the second in which my eyes fell to the rear-view mirror that I realised that something was missing. "Where is Niall?"

"He'll ask someone else to drive him home, he was late" he replied, making me furrow my eyebrows.

"Hang on, why are you driving me home?" I asked again, suddenly realising what was going on. To be honest, we hadn't even agreed on him coming to mine that day, so it really didn't make sense for him to go out of his way for no reason at all.

"Is it a problem?" He asked back, and I shook my head.

"Are you busy later?" I asked him, a sudden idea crossing my mind, turning to look at him again.

He shot me a mildly confused glance. "Why?" He asked as he parked the car in front of my house.

I shrugged. "I could use some more time to complete the drawing" I said, my hand finding the handle of the door, but not pulling it yet as I waited for his answer. It wasn't a way to make him stay - not totally, at least. It truly would've been better to have more time to do it, given that it was the hardest drawing I'd ever done. I didn't know what it was, but I just didn't seem able to get it right. I'd already messed up the part of Harry's chest and tattoos that was under the water a countless amount of times, and the worst part was that I could never tell what was wrong with it. If I looked at each line separately, they all seemed perfect, but all together they looked completely awful, and I didn't even know why, so I couldn't fix it. I was close to dropping everything and doing a completely different one, but in order to do that, I needed more time.

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