ch.9/you have a shrine?

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A/N: a few days later, hehehe

(Dipper's pov.)

I was sitting down on the roof of the shack writing in my pinetree journal that bill gave me.

While I was sitting there a suddenly remembered that the pictures Mabel had taken of me and bill doing... Um... You know what, bill had put them into his shrine that was all about me.

Then a question came to my mind.


I am so confused at this point, I decided to just go to my room instead.

| in dipper's room|

I layed down on my bed and stared up at the ceiling.

'When did bill make a shrine? Why did he have a shrine? What the fuck is the problem with him? WHY?! '

So many thoughts kept racing through my head, over and over.

'I think I'm just gonna get some sleep instead. '

Then I closed my eyes and drifted off.

(Bill's pov.)

I sat down on my bed, and incase you're wondering, I have my own house and yes that is where I'm at.

As I sat there on my bed I just kept thinking about pinetree's face when he saw that I had a shrine.


but I'm sure it will take a while before he forgets it.

After a while I hear a loud bang from down stairs.

'What the fuck? '

I got up and quickly went down stairs to investigate.

That's when I saw shooting star run up to me asking a thousand questions.

"When did you make a shrine? Why did you? Do you like dipper that much? What was your motive? do you still have the shrine? " Shooting star asked.

"I'ma answer all the questions really fast, I made the shrine when y'all left me alone, I did it for reasons, yes, I love pine tree, and yes. " I answer all in one breathe.

"YAY I KNEW IT!!!!! " she screamed.

"Now can you leave my house? " I ask her.

"Actually the only reason I found this place was because I was being chased. " She told me.

"Wait what? " I said.

I then hear pounding on my front door, I quickly tell shooting star to run to my basement and stay there.

The front door finally bursts open revealing a pitch black and blue-ish white wolf growling at me.

"Oh shit. " I said right before the wolf jumps at me.

"STOP! " I heard someone shout.

I then turn around to see pinetree standing there looking pissed.

The wolf had been frozen in mid air then fell to the floor.

"No one hurts my demon and if you think I'm bluffing, then why don't you try me. " Pinetree says with a serious look on his face.

The wolf then bowed down to pinetree and walked towards him, and sat down at pinetree's feet.

"That's what I thought. " Pinetree said as he bent down and petted the wolf.

He then gets up and runs to me giving me a huge hug.

"Hi bill" Pinetree says.

"Hey pinetree" I replied.

"Sorry about the wolf, he has been following us for a while now. " He tells me.

"But why? " I ask.

"Idk, that's what I was trying to find out. " He says.

"Well I just teleported shooting star back to the shack, ya wanna have fun~? " I whisper in his ear.

He shivers then cuddles into my chest.

"S-sure." He says.

I then purr with delight as I pick him up bridal style and teleport us to my room.


Oh hell yes I'm gonna leave this chapter right here, cause it's a bitch move.
Anyway I hope you guys liked this chapter because I hate it, have fun and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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