c h a p t e r 28

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10th November 2019

Dear diary,
I just realised that I haven't updated you about my life for the past 7 months. Let's just say it has been very chaotic!
So Lily, myself, Adalyn and the boys all flew back to LA a few days after Daniel's birthday back in April. A few weeks after was my 19th birthday. It was great. All eight of us sat on the beach and watched the golden sunset. We snuggled around a campfire and had one of the best nights.
After that, life just went on as normal. I had baby scans and appointments and life was somewhat boring yet enjoyable. Several picnics were had as well as late night walks and movies.

My baby bump started to grow noticeably by Jonah's birthday in June. We were going out to celebrate and I knew there would be paparazzi so I had to either tell the fans or be caught. Daniel and I decided to tell everyone a week-ish after on the 21st of June as there was some speculation. Everyone was happy and thrilled about the announcement which was great.

The boys started tour again on the 29th of that same month. They toured around the US for 3 and a half weeks before flying off to Europe in early August for 4 weeks. I wasn't able to go with them around the US as I had meetings and appointments however I was able to get away and tour with them for 3 of the 4 weeks of the Europe tour.
September 13th rolled around and it was their last Europe show in London. We all visited my mum at my childhood home for a few days so she could check up on me and see how much the baby bump had grown.

We flew back to LA on 17th September and life went on as normal again however I now had a massive bump dragging me down.
The boys then started their Asia/ Australian tour on the 27th October. I went along however I struggled as I was 8 months pregnant at the time.
It's now 10th November and I'm 9 months pregnant. So far they have been too Thailand, Singapore, Japan and Malaysia. Tomorrow we fly to the Philippines before flying to Australia on the 16th.

~Hollie Nov 10th 2019

'Hollie?' Zach asked me, poking his head around the door as I was putting my diary way in my bag. I was sat in the green room at the Tokyo show.
I looked up at him allowing for him to continue. 'We are going on in 20 mins so I thought I'd just check if your okay as Daniel's busy' 'okay' I managed to get out in reply as I struggled to stand up due to this heavy baggage on my front. Before I could comprehend anything, two arms where around me helping me stand. Finally, I stood up. Zach and I were inches apart from each other. We stood there for a while, staring into each other's eyes.

'Pahhahahahahha' we both laughed obnoxiously at and too each other. We would do this occasionally and it was on of our inside jokes. Since I've been pregnant Zach and I have become really really close best friends. He's almost like a little brother to me and it's great because Lily and him are still going strong.

I waddled out of the door with Zach beside me, into the back stage area where the boys were. I saw Daniel jump down the stage stairs and walk over to me. His smile was massive causing mine to become wider. 'Helloooo beautiful!' He said reaching in for a kiss. 'Hiya' I replied pulling away to then give him a peck on the lips once more. He looked down at my bump and placed his hands on it. 'Omg!' He suddenly said. His face was full with shock and happiness. 'The baby kicked!' He finally finished. We wanted the gender to be a surprise as we didn't get the opportunity before. We both chuckled before he helped me over to a chair.

I then watched the show from backstage. It was an incredible show. The crowd were so load and I could see the front row of seats from where I was sitting allowing me to see the happiness that was light up on their faces.


I am so so so sorry that I haven't uploaded in such a long time! As I've said before school has been very chaotic and I have been very very stressed the last few weeks.

I usually write and then straight away upload meaning I need about an hour to an hour and a half spare! I have come to the conclusion that I will upload this story on Friday's or Saturday's (if for whatever reason I cannot upload these days it will be Sunday) !! This will allow me to write short sections during the week and then upload them.

Thank you for the support of over 1k and I hope you love the story! Let me know what you think!

6th November 2018

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