c h a p t e r 26

880 11 1

2nd April 2019

Hollie's P.O.V

'Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to my handsome husband Danny, happy birthday to you' I quietly whispered into Daniel's ear as he stirred in his sleep. I had been awake for about an hour thinking about the important news I would tell everyone today. I was really worried as I didn't want to let everyone down just incase I had a miscarriage again.

'Good morning handsome 20 year old' I said smiling down at him as I played with his hair. He turned over to face me. 'Thank you beautiful wife of mine' with that a kiss was placed on my lips. 'What time is it?' He asked pulling away from the long kiss. '10:45 gorgeous' I replied with another kiss, moving his floppy hair away from his eyes.

After talking for a while we both decided to get up and ready. I texted the girlies group chat


Me- Hey ladies!
Sydnie- good morning love
Ava- Morning :)
Anna- good morning lovelies :)))
Me- I was wondering if the decorations where all ready as we are coming down in about 20?
Anna- yep! Ready when you are!
Ava- yep! They look so good!
Sydnie- it was so cute cuz Isla and Reese helped and were so excited.
Me- awww cute. Well thanks guys see you in a bit!

I sat on the bed for a while whilst Daniel was in the shower. 'Baby, you almost ready?' I asked as he walked out of the bathroom with just a towel around his waist and wet, messy hair. His abs were dripping wet and glistening from the sunlight that beamed through the circle window. I was mesmerised. He chuckled at me snapping me out of my trance.

'Yeah I'll just get dressed and then we can go downstairs for breakfast' he replied. I nodded and smiled before going back to my phone.
He changed into a blue jumper with a clown on the front, that kind of scared me a little to be honest, and some dungarees.

'Lets go!' He smiled, grabbing his phone and my hand and heading towards the bedroom door

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'Lets go!' He smiled, grabbing his phone and my hand and heading towards the bedroom door.

We reached the living room. I walked in quickly first so I could see his reaction. The room was filled with balloons, bunting, presents and his family and friends. It was perfect. Daniel's face grew into a massive smile just like yesterday as everyone sang happy birthday as he walked in the room.


We had finished opening the presents and were chatting after we had a small lunch. I looked over at Anna and kind of moved my head signalling to the kitchen. We both made our way into the kitchen making as least obvious as possible.

'Are you ready?' Anna asked me. A rush of nervousness flowed throughout me. 'Yeah' i finally said. 'Don't worry love' she said rubbing my arm. Her eyes were filled with sympathy and love. I smiled and walked upstairs with her. I grabbed an envelope that I wrote last night once Daniel was asleep and Anna grabbed a small box with a baby grow, the pregnancy test and a letter inside. 'Lets go'

Everyone was sat in the living room chatting as us two walked in. Anna joined Keri on the sofa after placing the small box next to me. I took a deep breath before speaking.

'Everyone. I have another present for the birthday boy.' I started with a large smile on my face. Daniel and I connected eyes and for a second it seemed as if everything in the world had stopped. All of the amazing memories that we had had together. From the day we met, to going to Portland to meet his family, when he proposed to me on a beautiful hike in the mountains, despite the suddenness of it happening but when we found out we were pregnant with Rose and finally our perfect wedding in Fiji. My life was perfect.

Snapping back into reality I continued.
' Daniel. You are my rock and I love you so much. I have this envelope for you.' I handed it to him. He opened it and began to read aloud.

Daniel's P.O.V

Hollie handed me an envelope. I opened it and read it out loud.

'Dear Daniel, Danny, My handsome Husband and father of our angel. I love you to the moon and back. I will forever love you. Happy 20th birthday gorgeous.

The 23rd of April 2018 was not only my 18th birthday but it was the best day of my life. I met you. The moment I locked eyes on you I knew we had something special. From that day forward I have loved you with all of my heart and will continue to love you forever. So many amazing things have come from us meeting on the pavement by the stage door at your New York show. It's only been a year but I feel as if I have know you forever.

I wanted to say thank you.
Thank you for bringing so many amazing people into my life. If it weren't for you i wouldn't have met 3 beautiful sisters for life, 4 brothers that I never had and amazing and supportive friends and family.

I wake up everyday instantly think about the happiness that is my life. And it's all because of you. So many wild and amazing adventures, funny moments causing us to crack up into ugly laughter but also sad times like when our angle Rose was taken into heaven. I will be with you threw thick and thin. Love you forever and always baby.

Hollie x'

Tears ran down my face both happy and sad. I looked up so see Hollie stood beautifully in front of me with tears down her face. A smile crept onto our faces making me pull her into a hug. I rubbed her back, whispering 'I love you so much' 'I love you too'

I pulled away seeing everyone else either holding back tears or wiping previous ones away. The boys were crying, my parents, the boys' family's and even Ryan, Isla and Reese.

You'll have to come back to see the pregnancy announcement! Hope you enjoyed. Let me know what you think. Thanks :)))

1051 words :))

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